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#39748 Tru Sale

Posted by Viper on 24 October 2004 - 08:42 PM in General Nerf

I can't seem to find any N-strike's around my area. Thanks 1 man clan

#52032 Objective Statistics On N-strike Line

Posted by Viper on 08 April 2005 - 11:40 PM in General Nerf

Yes they are averaged distances. You may not have pumped it as much as I, the air release mechanism is made rather poorly and even though much air is released. After 20 pumps my titans keep filling with air. About 102-105 feet is what it gets on 15-17 pumps.

#52028 Objective Statistics On N-strike Line

Posted by Viper on 08 April 2005 - 11:02 PM in General Nerf

The testing inlvolved multiple tests of each gun on multiple days (4 titans) (3 Hornets) (2NF's) (6mavs)(4 scouts).

Here are the ranges(stock):

Titan 126 feet maximum; 87 feet semi-flat
Hornet: 53 feet maximum; 41 feet semi-flat
Scout: 46 feet maximum; 37 semi flat
Nitefinder: 56 feet maximum; 42 semi-flat
Maverick: 47 feet maximum; 36 feet semi- flat.

This pretty much clears up the confusion over what a stock nerf gun gets when pointed at a 45 degree angle, but fails to show an accurate flat range since the ratios of flat to angled aren't nearly as great as they should, suggesting an error in what I perceived as the gun pointed parallel to the ground.

The standard micro shooters don't deviate much in range suggesting a tight ceiling imposed by nerf on the basis of Kenetic Energy Density of the projectile.

For those of you wondering why I still use angled ranges, it is because nerf toys are very irregular in shape usually and its hard to tell when you are perfectly flat, whereas shooting at an approximate 45 degree angle can be calcuated simply by observing the optimum distance vs. the angle of the pointed gun.

I was very surprised with the scout, which I thought to be half as powerful as the rest perfom average in range tests after many on the forums made the mav out to shoot 2x as far as the scout. This erroneous interpretation is probably due to the "awe" that ensues the maverick and the inflation of its ranges compared to other N-Strike guns.

#37047 Constant Pressure System

Posted by Viper on 12 September 2004 - 04:13 PM in Homemades

As Vintage posted on the open nerf forums, in order to maintain enough pressure for a semi or fully auto nerf gun, we need a cps. There are several candidates for this, including layed bicyle tubing and rubber hose and washer hose. Unlike hard tanks that release a great deal of air in one spirt, a "soft" flexible tank enables air to be released over time, becoming less efficient as the air has to operate the mechanism for more time. Has anyone experimented w/ this design yet?

#37382 Crayola Barrels

Posted by Viper on 17 September 2004 - 06:26 PM in Modifications

stock red darts work very well w/ crayloa barrels.

#34965 Review Template

Posted by Viper on 23 August 2004 - 12:13 PM in General Nerf

I think that will do tinkerer , thanx.

#34921 Review Template

Posted by Viper on 22 August 2004 - 10:30 PM in General Nerf

I know many of hwo probably know a million programs that will do what I am asking for one to do,but do you guys know of a program in which you can import pictures and keep everything in a neat little format. I've been trying to make this huge review effort work out,but microsoft paint makes it look ugly as hell, asymmetric etc.

#46402 Need For Nerf Publishing Forum

Posted by Viper on 22 January 2005 - 10:06 PM in General Nerf

I know it seems to take forever to get a few mods up and the same with basic reviews etc. Why doesn't nerfhaven just use stickies or some sort of decentralized publishing to take care of this? There are a ton of great "satellite" nerf sites that all seem to have interesting "bits" but its annoying to have to try 1 nerf site for an RF20 turret mod, then another for an rf20 spring mod etc.

#46411 Need For Nerf Publishing Forum

Posted by Viper on 23 January 2005 - 12:44 AM in General Nerf

I meant something similiar to your idea cxwq, so as to avoid redundancy the same mod over and over and avoid those little pseudoscience nuances like liquitron gauge mod, or the rifling mod. nerfevolved is just kinda dead, submitting content would not be dissamiliar to leaving a corpse a $500 bill and rose. :)

#37867 How Does The Rapidfire 20 Work?

Posted by Viper on 27 September 2004 - 03:04 PM in Homemades

excuse my ignorance, but can anyone enlighten me as to how the rpaid fire 20 fires, same as the wildfire,powerclip. I though it has a mechaism for releasing pressure repatadly with air pressure, but It looks like it also has an air-powered plunger mechanism that forcess air out by apllying pressure, then creating a vaccuum to bring the plunger back and so on.

#40503 Molds

Posted by Viper on 01 November 2004 - 07:13 PM in Homemades

I found a site that sells some cheap resin molding stuff and hardener. I don't know exeactly how the process take place, I 've seen diagrams but as far as how much it costs I don't know. If we can figure out how make our own molds the gap between large toy corporations and us would be far less that in it was before.

create for less

#48667 New Here

Posted by Viper on 04 March 2005 - 02:41 PM in Off Topic

I've found spiral porting to be at least marginally effective. On ballistas making the ballista spin adds a great deal to the accuracy.

#67994 What Do You Guys Think Of My Investment Site?

Posted by Viper on 19 November 2005 - 02:41 PM in Off Topic


#54919 Anybody Live In Mi

Posted by Viper on 15 May 2005 - 11:27 AM in Off Topic

I live in Oakland in Milford

#64467 Problem With Meta Tags

Posted by Viper on 27 September 2005 - 07:29 PM in Off Topic

How do you set up your website so as at the blue internet explorer thing at the top you have your page title and not just page title at the top?

#39866 Nba Title?

Posted by Viper on 26 October 2004 - 02:39 PM in Off Topic

U guys think the pistons will repeat?

#39961 Nba Title?

Posted by Viper on 26 October 2004 - 10:03 PM in Off Topic

Okay, sorry not aware of these rules. Bust seriously all you basketball fans, who is gonna win it? I'm saying Indiana, but detroit has me thinking they can take it.

#34776 New Poof Blaster

Posted by Viper on 21 August 2004 - 06:30 PM in General Nerf

poof sureshot I didn't find it on search,but does anyone have this gun?

#38986 Any Experience With Porting Barrels?

Posted by Viper on 14 October 2004 - 10:10 PM in Modifications

Does anyone have any experience with porting barrells of your nerf guns? I was just curious if any of you tried it and what pattern worked best. I just got done putiing on a 24inch barrel on my larami 2000 and it gets 160'+ flat w/ 5-6 pumps. I can get 3 hard shots with 15 pumps.

#43504 Questions On First Homemade..

Posted by Viper on 07 December 2004 - 02:40 PM in Homemades

If you embed the bike pump into pvc then you want a check valve, otherwise it doesn't hold any air. A tire pump valve(schrader valve) works as a check valve within itself, elimininating the need for a check valve.

#38723 Help Nerfhaven.com Effort

Posted by Viper on 10 October 2004 - 05:39 PM in Off Topic

You could just send quasi-cash to cxwq through paypal.

#38645 Help Nerfhaven.com Effort

Posted by Viper on 09 October 2004 - 05:53 AM in Off Topic

I was thinking about starting an effort to help nerfhaven.com by each of its active members sending a modest donation that would at least, added up help cxwq break even on his website. I'll start by saying I will send $5( it adds up) to cxwq. Nerfhaven is the best site around if not ever, so its worth it. CXWQ can PM us his mailing address.

#49730 In Need Of Nerf Partner

Posted by Viper on 15 March 2005 - 09:11 PM in General Nerf

I've been scouting out options for a large bandwidth(relative to free sites) high memory hosting service and could use a guy with experience with HTML and or PERL etc. I could pay for most if not all of the service, I just need a few fellow nerfers with better technical related skills to help me with it. My plans for the site are like a small volume message board with a great deal of technical data on guns, reviews etc and mod help.

#41093 Tek Sixes On Espn

Posted by Viper on 07 November 2004 - 07:22 PM in General Nerf

If you have espn insider it might be possible.

#40952 Tek Sixes On Espn

Posted by Viper on 05 November 2004 - 08:06 PM in General Nerf

Right now Kenny and the espn show hosts are using tek sixes to shoot each other. It's the only time I've seen it on TV between 2 show hosts and sorry for offending anybody who will criticize me because they have no lives and no contributions to the nerf community :D

#58085 Need For A Moderator

Posted by Viper on 24 June 2005 - 02:49 AM in General Nerf

I'm in the market for an admin to run my site. The project is called nerfhub and The sites format is already solidified with forums, shoutbox, and a great flash "Nerfhub" presentation all put forth by Taita Cakes. I've been the sole funder of this project and will continue to fund it, but I've rezlized that my technical expertise is far behing what being an Admin requires an the time I have available to me is limited also. Instead I want to devote myself to writing various articles and continuing to add to my collection of reviews of eccentric and rare toys. Does anyone know of a good hosting site where I could use a template to make a reviews database as well as a mods section etc.?

#43507 Common Types Of Fbr Brand Names

Posted by Viper on 07 December 2004 - 03:34 PM in Homemades

I am starting to collect data to streamline the needed amount of research for selecting barrel types given a certain type of foam backing rod. I know of loghelp(grey) shortshit's pink stuff(similiar in size to grey) and Denis' Comfort Seal that you can buy at aco(black). Also if anyone can find approximate barrel nominals that would also be helpful. 1/2" PETG is .53(grey) 17/32 brass is about .53(grey) 9/16 brass is about .56(Comfort Seal) 19/32 is then .59. These brass nominals I just figured by doing simple division,but if anyone knows of anymore accuracte measures, be sure to tell me.

edit: I've recently figured out the nominals for all brass and copper, but I need knowledge of what brands of FBR fit in what types of barrels and that barrel nominal.

#33623 Pics Of New Nerf Line?

Posted by Viper on 09 August 2004 - 11:41 PM in General Nerf

Does anyone currently have pics of the new nerf line. I remeber seeing it somewhere it had drawings of nightfinder's with different color schemes and many other released guns. EDIT- thnk you for the information. Exactly what I was looking for.

#54789 Ebayers...how Do You Change Your Paypal Account?

Posted by Viper on 13 May 2005 - 02:11 PM in Off Topic

Topic--Ebay wasn't very helpful so I'll see what you guys think.

#44089 Confusion On Buzz Bee/ Airzone Series.

Posted by Viper on 15 December 2004 - 03:12 PM in General Nerf

I was curious, exactly how does buzz bee fit into the lanard,airzone category. What guns are buzz bee and what ones ones are lanard?

#56165 How Can I Get A Hold Of Andy Of Nerfcenter?

Posted by Viper on 31 May 2005 - 06:38 PM in General Nerf

Can a mod delete this verision, sorry.