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#294724 My Nerf Salvofly

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 19 February 2011 - 09:11 PM in Modifications

Nice job on V2. Questions:

1. Whats the valve used on the trigger?
2. Where can I get one?

#292012 Hoppers W/ Pistols

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 01 January 2011 - 03:32 PM in Darts and Barrels

By what I've heard you need low pressure for hopper clips to work properly. But with that said has anyone ever had a hopper on something like a NF and it work? At all? I'm researching.

EDIT: What, if any, would be the best multi-dart setup for a pistol as opposed to just being singled?

#286846 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 11 October 2010 - 09:53 PM in Homemades

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I got around to making more homemades. And I guess i seem to be following a trend of bows 'n such. le sigh.

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Used some of that very small but very tough flex pvc for the plunger rod because the priming (tube?) kept bending the vinyl tubing i had there instead. Put some of the vinyl inside and boom, no worries about it bending and not priming.

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This piece is called a wye/tee combination. Its a great handle. I hate seeing snaps and other such homemades with wooden handles amongst all the PVC. It looks unnatural to me.

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When primed the plunger rod is visible from the stock tee.

And while I was at it..
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The bow "head" i made interchangeable, so i decided to experiment a little on this design. I call it the Y-Bow.

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I didn't quite get the arms exactly the way I wanted them, so i just bolted dem bitches down so they wouldn't come flying off by accident when primed.

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Have to leave the thread kinda loose, its a tough prime when its more than just taut.

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The arms curve beautifully.

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Still needs some tweaking, but I think this design has potential. Maybe mechanically, maybe just cosmetically.

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#277339 Talos

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 10 June 2010 - 01:16 PM in Modifications

Thats pretty sweet. But when are you going to start doing write ups again? Video after video after video is getting to its limit.

#274179 R/c Vulcanmobile

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 06 May 2010 - 03:15 PM in Modifications

Guys, I hate to be a joykill here, but fucking seriously. This poor guy has taken enough abuse. It was funny at first, but now it's just distasteful.

No its not.

#274099 The Overkill: This Is What Happens When A Titan And A Longshot Have Ch

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 05 May 2010 - 06:57 PM in Modifications


It looks... scary. Thats fo' sho'.

#271512 Snap Crossbow

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 06 April 2010 - 05:39 PM in Homemades

What a satisfying priming sound. Nice work.

#271275 A New Singled Longshot.

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 04 April 2010 - 10:41 AM in Modifications

That's about as much of a nerfgun as this is:

Why you be hatin'?

#270998 A New Singled Longshot.

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 01 April 2010 - 06:22 PM in Modifications


...haven't you posted a video of this yet?

#268921 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 12 March 2010 - 05:17 PM in Modifications

Woo, first post in a while.
Overhauled 3K, the works.
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• 12" PETG Barrels
• Magstrike Pump replacement (plugged )
• Goo Gauge removed
• Manual turret rotation
• Seal vastly improved ( 90%+ )
• Rear-Loading
• Slide installed for easier loading
• Removable ( and modifiable ) PVC Stock
• Firing Pin modded for better airflow

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^ Makes stefans MUCH easier to load

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Easy to handle.

#268045 Straw <-dart Possibility?

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 04 March 2010 - 05:47 PM in Modifications

Also, since streamlines are only so long, i'd be the equivalent of having a barrel as long as the dart. Less in fact.

#254560 Stormtrooper Blastech E-11 Raider With Brass Breech

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 25 October 2009 - 09:57 PM in Modifications

You've breathed new life into our forum. Thank you. Thank you very much. And an awesome mod.

#252108 Painted And Forgriped Longshot With Pictures

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 29 September 2009 - 04:28 PM in Modifications

A foregrip shouldn't be used primarily on one side of the bold like that, It could break much more easily that way as opposed to it being on both sides.

#248859 At2k Internals Integrated Into 1-1/2" Pvc

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 27 August 2009 - 11:05 PM in Modifications

Yes, i was merely saying the 4 pictures would be the same as just 2.

That looks badasssssss. I feel like making something like that now..

#248783 At2k Internals Integrated Into 1-1/2" Pvc

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 27 August 2009 - 03:32 PM in Modifications

It looks like you just took the same 2 pictures twice. Learn to look at your shots after taking them.

Anyways, it looks pretty nice. I personally would put a handle of some sort on it to make pulling the trigger more comfortable. And as for the pump.. Its really up to your preference of ergonomics.

#248492 Fano

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 25 August 2009 - 12:42 AM in Nerf Wars

As it stands i will be unable to make it. I, myself am an "otaku" if you want to call it that. The South-East's largest Anime Convention (AWA, Anime Weekend Atlanta) just so happens to fall on that weekend for 3 days. It is in the ATL however.. i mean, its like christmas. CHRISTMAS. THE SEQUEL. IN 3D. THREE. DEE. So i will be unable to attend.

#247741 Mega Missile Decrapification

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 19 August 2009 - 10:47 PM in Modifications

Thats just beautiful. I've always been opposed to getting one because of the pump-length. Nice job, and seconded about the not bringing it to SOFA, even though i did not go.

#247613 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 19 August 2009 - 11:12 AM in Modifications

My Arsenal.

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Clockwise: CPVC'd NF, PETG'd Pump-Plugged AT3K, PETG'd Super Mav 2K, Inline Clip'd PETG'd PAS, Spring-addition Seal-Improved Spring-compressive Stefan Clip-Accepting Recon, and PETG'd Inline-Clipped T.I.M, my absolutely incredible homemade. I have many more guns but they're all in a scrap heap for now.

#247043 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 14 August 2009 - 04:05 PM in Modifications

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The result of a stock Recon as a birthday gift.

Had an original Recon's plunger "cover" that i put on the newer model. Put a Mav + Random similarly-sized spring in the back to help force the plunger forward when firing. Other things:
- E-Tape wrapped around plunger tube for spring compression
- E-tape underneath the O-Ring for better seal
- Trimmed the piece on the bolt sled that engaged the mechanism for the dart tooth to go down slower, thus pushing the dart further down the barrel
- Can use stefan-modded clips

Ranges are ~45, a decent secondary. And with 8 clips theres no telling what can't be done with this.

EDIT: I tried out a PETG barrel to replace the original, but due to the looser fit it got worse ranges.

#245921 Ertl Pas Not Catching Anymore

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 06 August 2009 - 11:41 PM in Modifications

Check your priming bar it may have bent just enough to not push the plunger far enough back to catch.
It happened to mine so I just made a new priming bar from 1/4in polycarbonate.

That may be it.. thanks for the suggestion.

and i did the brass reinforcements but they ALL broke off after 2 days of drying.

What sort of adhesive are you using for the brass reinforcements? I used Zap-a Gap in excess and then put them in a vice for a few hours and have had no problems with them snapping off. However, they did snap off before I left it to dry in the vice. I believe the vice is key.

Also, that catch if pretty hard to reinforce. If all else fails, try making a new trigger. It worked wonders for me.

I used clear-weld epoxy. I used zip ties to hold them in place, and i didn't scratch up the surfaces or anything so.. yeah. I don't have anything i could use to make a new trigger, so i may just get one from someone.

#245911 Ertl Pas Not Catching Anymore

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 06 August 2009 - 10:39 PM in Modifications

Check your priming bar it may have bent just enough to not push the plunger far enough back to catch.
It happened to mine so I just made a new priming bar from 1/4in polycarbonate.

That may be it.. thanks for the suggestion.

and i did the brass reinforcements but they ALL broke off after 2 days of drying.

#245898 Ertl Pas Not Catching Anymore

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 06 August 2009 - 09:52 PM in Modifications

Your catch spring/springs have probably slipped out of place somehow. Open it up and check.

Thats not it. Go look at the level 2 mods for the PAS. How could that just slip? And anyways, i've opened it 6 times and thats not the problem.

#245894 Ertl Pas Not Catching Anymore

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 06 August 2009 - 09:44 PM in Modifications

My PAS just suddenly stopped catching one day. I only have the stock spring, and a reduced BBB spring added. I've done the level 2 catch mods and it is still not catching. Nothing is in the way of the plunger rod, but whenever I cock it back i feel it slip over the catch and just slip right back if i let it go forward. What the fuck. Help.

#245815 Good Things Happen When You Go To Church...

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 06 August 2009 - 03:52 PM in General Nerf

Give 'em each a stock, that really makes them seem more interesting.

#245767 Working Semi-automatic Homemade

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 06 August 2009 - 10:32 AM in Homemades

Freakin' sick man. Very nice work. I should make more homemades..

#245479 Homemade Holster For Minimized Nfs

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 04 August 2009 - 03:47 PM in Homemades

I might have to do this at some point. Very very nice write-up!

#245250 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 02 August 2009 - 11:50 PM in Modifications

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Write-Up on the way. Stay Tuned.

#245226 Season Of Foam - Augusta

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 02 August 2009 - 07:48 PM in Nerf Wars

I can't make it unless someone picks me up and brings me there and back, which seems extremely unlikely. So, sorry guys. ;)

#245119 Season Of Foam - Augusta

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 02 August 2009 - 01:06 AM in Nerf Wars

Turns out i won't be bringing a guest, and if my repairs are successful to my 2 other primaries i'll have 3 out of my 4 working so i'll bring them.

Norther's Stefan count: ~40 ...sunday's gonna be a long day.

#244933 Furyfire Improvements..petg..straw Modd..spring Addition

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 31 July 2009 - 07:21 PM in Modifications

Have you tried cutting the stock front barrel off down to the point where the priming handle is at its forward most position to increase range?

EDIT: Sorry, just realized thats already kinda been done..

#244606 Season Of Foam - Augusta

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 29 July 2009 - 06:46 PM in Nerf Wars

And so if I could use TIM that'd be great, because right now its the only primary i have working. Alongside my NF.

Bring it and if is not deemed unsafe then you are welcome to.

If it is and none of my other primaries are in working condition, will there be some that i could use?

#244599 Season Of Foam - Augusta

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 29 July 2009 - 06:33 PM in Nerf Wars

So as luck would have it, my PAS stopped catching. I think its the catch spring.

Also, my recently PETG'd AT3K gets terrible ranges.

This is due to my inability to get SwiftNerf FBR to fit into PETG.

I hope i can find a way to make it fit, otherwise i'm kinda naked in the breeze.

And so if I could use TIM that'd be great, because right now its the only primary i have working. Alongside my NF.

#244565 Fitting Swiftnerf Foam Into Omc Petg

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 29 July 2009 - 02:25 PM in Modifications

I'll try that, thanks for your input Swift.

#244557 Fitting Swiftnerf Foam Into Omc Petg

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 29 July 2009 - 02:05 PM in Modifications

What is your heating method? Either you are not stretching it enough or you are heating it too much. My method of heating is 10-15 second of indirect heat via blow dryer.

I've been heating it too much then. like 20 seconds and then putting them in the freezer for a few mins. How would you stretch them?

Use med. walled petg.

A little too late for that.

#244554 Fitting Swiftnerf Foam Into Omc Petg

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 29 July 2009 - 01:56 PM in Modifications

I ordered some white swiftnerf foam around the same time as 20 ft of OMC's PETG. I have only been able to get a few stefans to fit in the PETG. In all the threads they say you need to stretch and crush the foam to get it to fit, but i've been doing that and not getting any results. What is the best method to make them fit? I searched and got jack.

#244483 N-203 Grenade Launcher

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 29 July 2009 - 01:11 AM in Modifications

Thats awesome, to think some use whats basically this attachment as a single gun, whereas you can strap it onto whatever gun has the rail system that can fit it. Thats kick-ass. Good job for being one of the first that I can recall to get the attachment thing done right.

#244482 Halo Br Mod (tri-shot Mod)

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 29 July 2009 - 01:05 AM in Modifications

Halo is shit. And a MONTH OR TWO?

#243974 Season Of Foam - Augusta

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 26 July 2009 - 02:54 AM in Nerf Wars

Glad you two can make it Norther and Rogue. This will actually be the first time we've had a Floridian nerf with us in Augusta. It's an honor.

Norther, we may let you use T.I.M. at the war. We're pretty lenient on gun restrictions. Bring it anyway because I want to see it in person ^_^

Okay, we'll see. I just got my first shipment of PETG and i'm looking forward to using some new guns with it. And yeah i'll bring TIM. Now i need to make those stefans...

#243796 Big Bad Bow And Airtek 2000 Integration

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 25 July 2009 - 03:40 AM in Modifications

I'd hit that.. if it didn't hit me first. God damn. Awesome job, and the pj looks incredible. If you had the Nerf stickers still on it i think it'd look as sick as possible.

#243349 Stormfire Optimzation

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 23 July 2009 - 03:52 PM in Modifications

That is damn sexy. Reminds me of something from Bioshock. Can it vaccum load?