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#326509 Nerf Firefly Singling Help

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 08 February 2013 - 12:08 PM in Modifications

Adding some pictures would greatly help.
EDIT: What barrel are you using? How long? What darts are you using? This could be caused by your air seal attaching the barrel to the plunger is bad or the barrel is too tight/long.

#323462 Novembwar - Georgia Nerf War

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 11 November 2012 - 06:57 PM in Nerf Wars

I might be going.

#327143 H.O.N.K.Y.

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 21 February 2013 - 01:59 PM in Nerf Wars

I may be going.

#324995 Modded Titan in Honda Commercial

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 02 January 2013 - 01:13 PM in General Nerf

It looks like the lock disabling angled shots has been removed, minimization,and a Star Wars blaster and Xploders Blow Gun has been intergrated. It also appears to be the "Hulk Abomination" generation Titan.

#328578 Compiling a list of air pump type guns

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 05 April 2013 - 04:12 PM in General Nerf

For one, what is the point of this? Two, air techs and hornets didn't use rubber bladders, but hard tanks.

#329986 Nerf Double Crossbow: BANDED!

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 19 May 2013 - 02:19 PM in Modifications


And so original...

#325088 Lost Firefly Screws

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 05 January 2013 - 06:45 PM in Modifications

I would, for your first projects, keep all but a few insignificant screws in your blaster and store them in a small bin. Then, when you have screws missing, your can refer to you stash and replace them. I did this and now have roughly 500.

#329651 Rapid Fire AS-20 help

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 11 May 2013 - 10:27 AM in General Nerf

This happened to me, too, because I got mine at a dump (jelly, bro?). I just replaced it with a bike pump, and works very well.

#323066 georgia nerf squad

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 26 October 2012 - 03:48 PM in Nerf Wars

Wow! You are such an intellegent being! *sarcasm*

#328508 Nitefinder Probz

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 02 April 2013 - 08:32 PM in Off Topic

I wish I had this much swag.

#327267 Roughcut Turret Trouble

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 24 February 2013 - 04:37 PM in Modifications

Creating an incision into one of the barrels with the dremel.
How badly are the barrels nicked?

There are no holes in the barrels, but the outside of the barrel is widened slightly, which might result in a leak.

Did you remove the complete air restrictor or just the dart peg?


From this, it seems that you removed the complete air restrictor.


The dremel bumping into the inside of the barrel shouldn't have harmed anything, as long as it struck only the loose part.

You need to provide pictures and be more clear about your problem before we can help you.

The complete ARs have not been removed, only the pegs that restrict stefans.

I can't get pictures up right now, but try to as soon as possible.

#327262 Roughcut Turret Trouble

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 24 February 2013 - 04:09 PM in Modifications

After having recently removed the ARs from a Nerf Roughcut 2x4 (oppa) mysterio style (Ay, sexy ladies) and lubricated the pegs with white lithium spay, I screwed it back together and tested it. Now, when I dry fire it, it either makes a loud crack, as if the ARs were really removed, or hisses and the plunger moves very slowly. When I try to fire it with a dart, either the dart doesn't fire and it makes the same hiss, or it plops out 15 or so feet.

Most of the time, the dart doesn't fire/makes a hiss. While removing the pegs, I also accidentally Dremeled some on the outside on a few barrels; this might have something to do with it, I don't know.

Could anyone give advice or tell me what I did wrong? Thanks in advance!

EDIT: The problem has nothing to do with the ARs, as when I removed them my darts still did not fire. I also looked for leaks in the turrent, but there aren't any either.

#327264 Roughcut Turret Trouble

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 24 February 2013 - 04:24 PM in Modifications

Pics would be great to have.
Did you puncture the barrels?

What do mean by puncture?

I will try have pictures up in a few days. Sorry.

#327381 Roughcut Turret Trouble

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 26 February 2013 - 10:06 PM in Modifications

I know that this MIGHT be negligible input but sometimes carelessness gets the best of us...

Did you install the ARs back properly in place?
If there's any particular orientation for each AR, did you make sure the orientation of each AR is aligned correct?
Did you install the ARs back in the correct order?

That might affect airflow.

Also, did you close up the turret correctly?
I've never opened up the turret myself, but I was the one who studied the AR structure and shared it online.
I watched Coop's video on modding the RC, and the reason why I'm bringing his name into this comment is because it was mentioned in an earlier reply.
Coop put his turret into boiling water to loosen up the adhesive holding the turret together.
By any chance did you accidentally warp the insides or any part of the turret? That might also affect the airflow.

The ARs aren't in any orientation, but cannot interfer with the posts, in which they aren't.

I pried my turrent open using a screw driver to wedge it. The turrent is completely friction-fit; there is no reason in boiling it.

#320984 Pink Foam

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 25 August 2012 - 10:08 AM in Darts and Barrels

Thank you for all the info. I feel like an idiot though. :wacko:

#321886 Pink Foam

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 23 September 2012 - 07:05 AM in Darts and Barrels

I talked to -Delta and apparently you can custom order the length of the foam you want, if you contact the supplier. He bought his in a 40 ft. roll, so you could probably buy reasonable amounts straight from the supplier. Just thought that was worth noting for anyone who wants some.

Thank you, I might do that. Actually, I'll probably just buy some from Mod Man.

#320973 Pink Foam

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 25 August 2012 - 06:58 AM in Darts and Barrels

In this topic, KaneTheMediocre is being mediocre and not selling his pink, delicious foam to the rest of the community. But, after many days of searching online, I found what foam he has. Here is where I think he bought it, but you have to copy the number next to the price and paste it here to purchase it. I haven't actually bought it yet, but it looks very similar.


1. The website isn't user friendly by the looks of it.

2. You have to purchase it in FREAKING 1,250 FT ROLLS!!!

For you optimistic people, though, here are the outnumbering pros for his foam.


1. PINK!!!

2. It's heat resistant.

3. According to him, and if this is his foam, it's very dense.

4. Also according to him, it has perfect fit in CPVC, snug fit in 17/32 brass, loose fit in 9/16 brass and PETG.

5. Not that badly priced, with it being 7 US dollars for 20 ft.

BTW: My first post!! :D

#326360 Ballzooka-compatible ammo?

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 05 February 2013 - 07:26 AM in General Nerf

Here are some ballistic balls on eBay. They aren't sold as a one time item, so if lose this auction you might be able to win the next in a few weeks.

#321897 Pump Replaced 4b With Stock Oprv

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 23 September 2012 - 12:02 PM in Modifications

Where did you get your PVC/vinyl tubing?

This post is over 2 years old. Please reread the Code of Conduct and New Members Guide.

#326274 Singled Nerf Rough Cut

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 03 February 2013 - 03:10 PM in Modifications

Couldn't you have CPVC couplered the plungers. Then you wouldn't waste money and could fit two.
EDIT: Never mind, I saw the plungers.

#321870 The (Swarmfire) GAUNTLET

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 22 September 2012 - 10:43 AM in Modifications

awesome job man, that is wicked cool!! Not trying to compare you to him, but have you seen the one that Ice (uin13) did back before he quit nerf?

He specifically said to begin with that he based his idea on his. Anyway, that is pure (for some reason it automatically changes this to something else) Effeminateness

#325902 Question to all you modders

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 27 January 2013 - 11:01 AM in General Nerf

I personally want more flywheel, automatic/semiautomatic, and clip fed blasters. I also agree with selling spare stocks and clips/drums. Having large plunger tubes, breeches, air tanks, and singleshot blasters are useless, in my opinion, since the N.I.C. already have an abundancy of those due to previous Nerf blasters and homemades.

#328068 Multiple Orgasm - A Guide

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 16 March 2013 - 08:18 AM in Homemades

Like a said earlier (scroll up), it has to be kept pushed forward to fire properly. If it's not, it won't fire. I consider this a safety feature.

If I understand this correctly, this means that this could slamfire, since the catch is only disengaged when the blaster is primed forward.

#324348 Stryfe Modification Overview

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 10 December 2012 - 06:20 PM in Modifications

When searching 'EFLH1210B' to buy the motor, I only found a left version. Also, when I searched 'EFLH1210B right', I still only found left. Any suggestions?

#324383 Stryfe Modification Overview

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 11 December 2012 - 06:13 PM in Modifications

The right version of the motor is: EFLH1211B, for anyone who is concerned.

#326242 The BEST upgrade motor for the Stryfe (after extensive testing) is...

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 01 February 2013 - 07:05 PM in Modifications

Same motor.

What is that supposed to mean?

#326244 The BEST upgrade motor for the Stryfe (after extensive testing) is...

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 01 February 2013 - 07:14 PM in Modifications

It means there is no left / right motor. There is one motor. If you want it to spin the other direction you reverse the polarity. The way these motors sit in the plastic flywheel housing you just wire them up the same way the OE motors were wired, sans thermistors. Don't over-think it.

Thanks, I just know that there are some motors that come with stock resisters and go only one way.

#326239 The BEST upgrade motor for the Stryfe (after extensive testing) is...

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 01 February 2013 - 06:53 PM in Modifications

Is the link for the left or right motor?

#326199 Where To Buy Modding Materials

Posted by Modded Brain 115 on 31 January 2013 - 07:08 PM in Modifications

I found an extremely strong catch spring for Longshots on McMaster. Product #9657K56