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#56381 "the Twins"

Posted by The Large Moose on 02 June 2005 - 03:58 PM in Modifications

So far, the modifications have been completed, now I am on search for 2 more things. I am getting paint, for their paintjobs, and I am going to need 2 LnL holsters. Could you help me out with this, I am not to good at making them, I tried before, but I will pay for 2 that fit a Lnl perfectly. And no, the Twins aren't just the LnL's. This project is for nostalgia purposes mainly, but I hope you will all like it. Once finished, I will contribute to the "Show me what you got" thread.

The second thing I am looking for is brass. I desperately need 9/16's and 17/32's brass sizes. Any amount will do fine, as I have check many of my hardware stores and none have had it in stock, nor had the correct sizes.

Oh, and along with beauty, this mod will include integrations aswell.

#61001 A Nerf Video Game

Posted by The Large Moose on 02 August 2005 - 10:29 PM in Off Topic

Wow tex, bravo. Never played that before, I either just beat survival mode (been playing for 20+ minutes) or I just spontaneously combusted, because I still had half health :( Anyway, very fun, if you know what weapons the best :ph34r:

#38146 All Major Foam Guns Ever Made

Posted by The Large Moose on 02 October 2004 - 11:44 AM in General Nerf

Ahh, my bad, I did not realize he said guns aswell, I thought he only wanted the brands. That would be quite the list though. It could take some time. I can help, Viper, just send me a PM, and I will list all the guns I can.

#38140 All Major Foam Guns Ever Made

Posted by The Large Moose on 02 October 2004 - 10:23 AM in General Nerf

He doesn't want to know all of the guns, he just wants to know all the brands. And maybe google might not have one or something, and one of you guys remember. Don't give him a hard time, and plus, he found all the ones that he already listed, he just wants to know anymore that he missed.

#38132 All Major Foam Guns Ever Made

Posted by The Large Moose on 01 October 2004 - 11:14 PM in General Nerf

R.A.W wasn't major, but they did produce the Force, and that other uber-powerful gun. Wish I would have bought one of those when I had the chance...

#49780 Ammo Compatability Issue

Posted by The Large Moose on 16 March 2005 - 01:00 PM in General Nerf

Yes, I beileve it is. I don't use ball guns, so I don't know for sure. I would seem like it would though.

#51161 An Article On The Effectiveness Of Abstinence

Posted by The Large Moose on 30 March 2005 - 09:53 PM in Off Topic

I'm just pointing out that any nine-year-old who isn't a member here could read it.

Any nine-year-old can wander over to http://gay-hairy-midget-hardcore.com too. I guess the webmaster there should clean things up.

You know what sucks for me? I have some sort of thing for links. When I see one, I go for it, but this time, I stopped myself. And in just enough time to....I didn't want to see more pictures of ompa again.

j/k ompa

Ohh and P.S. I just did your Titan mod yesterday, but I keep thinking, how did your stub get 170' range?

Sorry that was off topic.

#51232 An Article On The Effectiveness Of Abstinence

Posted by The Large Moose on 31 March 2005 - 11:44 PM in Off Topic

Stub what? The stub is just to connect the air chamber to coupler.


I have a SCH.80 stub, with the coupler, then the SCH.80 barrel. But mine gets maybe 120' tops. And its not my darts, or the seal, because I tested both. Would I be getting where you are with a SCH.40 pvc stub?

#41246 Any New Mods Showing Up On Site?

Posted by The Large Moose on 09 November 2004 - 06:03 PM in General Nerf

Manuel rotation I am assuming? Looks alittle cosmetically retarded ( no offense lol) I guess thats cuz its a prototype, and it wouldn't fit in the case. Anyway, that is a deadly gun. As I recall, are SM5k's still banned from whatever nerf wars they were banned from?

#41243 Any New Mods Showing Up On Site?

Posted by The Large Moose on 09 November 2004 - 05:41 PM in General Nerf

I could probably also put up my 4-barreled SM5k mod.

*faint* :lol:

#41240 Any New Mods Showing Up On Site?

Posted by The Large Moose on 09 November 2004 - 05:37 PM in General Nerf

Also, I have been looking for awhile, a SSI mod, I have searched and searched, but to no avail. I have 2 myself, and tried modding one, but failed horribly, although its reversable. I love the guns, but I only have a few of the darts it fires, which isn't practical in a war.

Anyway, I have been looking for a new SM5k mod too, since I am almost finished fixing mine.

#41233 Any New Mods Showing Up On Site?

Posted by The Large Moose on 09 November 2004 - 05:16 PM in General Nerf

Hey, just wondering if there will be any new Mods added in the near future under the modifications section. Alot of guns that I would be interested in modding aren't here, although alot are, such as the SS2, AT2k, AT4k, RF20, and the N-strike set. I know most or all of the mods can be found here on the forums, or at other sites, I just find it more convient here. No rush or anything, just wondering when any new ones will pop up.

#53608 Any One Yoyo?

Posted by The Large Moose on 26 April 2005 - 09:57 PM in Off Topic

I used to back in the day, with yomega's and rare crap like that 200$ Bumble Bee one. I used to do a ton of tricks, and won lots of $ with friends from doing it, but all that aside, this is wasted bandwidth. Many off-topic's belong in off-topic, but to ask if people yo-yo? Comeon...thats just asking for a way to post whore.

#37038 Anybody Around Here

Posted by The Large Moose on 12 September 2004 - 03:11 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey, just wondering if any of you are in FL? and if so...where? I have a few friends 5-6 that are into it, but none are really on the site or anything, and they only have a few guns (NF's and 1 SM5K which I am trying to buy from them) So basically I supply them with all the guns they use, we normall play in the backyards and in this one parking lot, that is quite fun. I dunno, just wondering if any of you are out here. :)

#42260 Anybody Up For A War In Fl?

Posted by The Large Moose on 22 November 2004 - 10:46 PM in Nerf Wars

I am in Port St. Lucie here. I am open for a few days in the next couple of weeks.

#52002 Armageddon 2005

Posted by The Large Moose on 08 April 2005 - 08:02 PM in Nerf Wars

I am working for my uncle in SoCal between May and June, so I have to see where exactly and what exact dates, I might be able to come, but I will have to see.

#54347 At2k Strange Happenings

Posted by The Large Moose on 07 May 2005 - 07:51 PM in Modifications

If blow down your darts it makes the same affect.

Ok, this I don't understand? How does blowing a dart down the barrel create a smoke/steam effect. Anyway, this is normal, my SM5k did it, and I am sure AT2k's and SM1500's are quite capable too.

#58258 Base

Posted by The Large Moose on 26 June 2005 - 02:44 PM in General Nerf

Oh, and for those of you talking about Stefans not going through cardboard, it is possible, and was done before the Titan was released. If you properly modded a SM5000, or SM500 for that matter, carboard would be punctured by the dart, but not sail through it like a rail gun.

Unless of course you are using a Nail stefan, which my friends and I did back when started out for range testing purposes only.

#53786 Bbb Mod With Pictures

Posted by The Large Moose on 29 April 2005 - 03:54 PM in Modifications

Shove the brass into the orange barrel untill it is jsut infront of the plunger, then hot glue it in. Then fit the 1/2 PVC coupler over that, and the orange barrel, and hotglue that in. Then pick a 1/2 PVC barrel length and stick it over the brass untill it is snug in the coupler. Maker sure the orange barrel is cut down enough so the PVC can fit over the brass and into the coupler.

#51032 Belt-fed Maverick

Posted by The Large Moose on 29 March 2005 - 03:27 PM in Modifications

Editing your post's is better than double posting, so try to only post one reply in a row. Edit if you have to.

#36963 Best Gun

Posted by The Large Moose on 11 September 2004 - 10:31 PM in General Nerf

Thanks, glad to be here. Nice to see a good site since Nerf Online. For awhile I was occupied with other stuff, but I picked up my old BBB, shot my dad in the back of the head, laughed a ton, and now I am back into nerf. :) It seems we already have a moose, so we need a nickname for me, because there can't be two moose; it would cause to much confusion. I could be lmoose, TLM, etc. figure out something. For all I care you guys could call me banana.

#36952 Best Gun

Posted by The Large Moose on 11 September 2004 - 09:21 PM in General Nerf

I have a few setups, just so I don't get bored :) :
Setup 1
Primary: AT3k PETG barrelled(sp?)
Secondary: 2 AT2k's single barrelled

Setup 2
Primary: BBB Breach Loading
Secondary: 2 Crayola LnL's (I have multiple Pvc/crayola reloads, so I can just pop off the first one, and load a second, I personally think its easier than reloading a dart, considering the dart is allready in the Pvc/crayola barrel.)

Setup 3
Primary: Titan ompa-style modded :D
Secondary: 2 Scouts stock

Setup 4
Primary: E-a-B Pvc modded w/ bands
Secondary: 2 NF's Stock

Setup 5
Primary: Blast Bazooka brass modded
Secondary: 2 Tech targets stock (yet to be modded)

Setup 6: (almost done)
Primary: Max Shot brassed
Secondary: 2 modded first shots

Steup 7 (for having total, utterless, close combat fun):
Primary: 2 RF20s stock
Secondary: Manta Ray, and Ratchet Blast, both stock

I am sure I have more than that, I just can't think of them right now. Many of them could be better, but that is just how I like them. For some reason, I love 2 of the same pistol as backups. I sometimes even host my own little war, with 8 people, each of them having 1 good rifle, and 2 stock or modded pistols.

#47012 Big Salvo/at2k Integration

Posted by The Large Moose on 08 February 2005 - 11:14 AM in Modifications

Depends on what darts. If you are using Micro Stefans (naturally) you could use CPVC for the barrels. Basically, it is nearly the same as PETG and brass, but it is lighter than brass, but heavier than PETG. CPVC can be found at Home Depot I presume.

If using Zeros, Stefan Megas, or Nerf Micros, you could use PVC. SCH 80 is the recommended type, either that or SCH 40. But you probably already knew that.

#43226 Blast Bazooka Sight?

Posted by The Large Moose on 03 December 2004 - 11:56 AM in General Nerf

All guns EVENTUALLY lose air, even withut a leak I suppose. I had a perfectly sealed SM5k, but after a few minutes the pressure would just die down. Or maybe it did. Anyway, if your gun DOES have a leak, I suggest taking the internals, pumping the gun a few times, then placing it under water. Where ever the bubbles come up, thats where your leak is. If it doesn't have a leak, and it just loses pressure in 30 seconds, I don't know how to help you. I did this with a few guns, but never a BB, so I don't know if water will ruin it or not, but all the other guns I have done this with have worked great after I found the leaks. Plus, I never read of a "Safety Release Valve" on the box or gun.

#43300 Blast Bazooka Sight?

Posted by The Large Moose on 04 December 2004 - 10:17 AM in General Nerf

Yeah hot glue doesn't work really well, probably especially with a good amount of pressure gun like the BB. I have never heard of someone using tack, but I doubt it would work.

#51886 Chainblazer

Posted by The Large Moose on 07 April 2005 - 09:13 PM in General Nerf

ok im getin that then I'll sho you my project when finished

Rototrack is an even better version of the chainblazer. Used a much better chain, and mine gets ranges of 60-70+ feet.

#54762 Clip For Ruff Stuff Shot Gun

Posted by The Large Moose on 12 May 2005 - 08:59 PM in Modifications

How about we just wait for the Ruff Stuff Rifle? Because its the exact same thing you are talking about. It uses a clip that auto-loads, and ejects the empty shell.

#51429 Code Of Conduct

Posted by The Large Moose on 02 April 2005 - 10:53 PM in Site Feedback

In Kingdom of Loathing, to use the chat you have to pass a test that the Ghost of English Literature gives you. It has a sentance that you have to type in, word for word, and you can't copy and paste the line. Trust me, I tried.

Then he makes you answer a trivia question, about what color George Washington's white horse was. We could probably make one to fit Nerf.

But, like Vintage said, what would we do without the silly n00blet threads?

Heh, you play KoL too? My name is The Large Moose. I am a rare item extroainare. Look me up sometime.

EDIT: Just read the date from before, sorry to continue it.

#43353 Common Problems

Posted by The Large Moose on 05 December 2004 - 12:46 PM in Off Topic

What type of glue is strong enough, relativly cheap, and is easy to find for leaks or small cracks in pump shafts/plunger tube/pressure chamber?

#49698 Direct From Buzzbee!

Posted by The Large Moose on 15 March 2005 - 06:18 PM in General Nerf

I <3 you. Too bad we gotta wait for the rifle. Atleast we know it is coming out. So the double-shot is a K-mart exclusive? Mine is all out and I only bought two. Also, can you ask her about when the shell refill pack come out.

#53787 Do You Recommend The Maverick?

Posted by The Large Moose on 29 April 2005 - 03:58 PM in General Nerf

Nitefinder is one of the best pistols Nerf has ever made, I cannot stress it more.

sorry talio i must dissagree in my oppinion the splitfire is better than an nf. Mine gets 100 ft roughly.

Ghost, your splitfire does not get 100 ft. It gets about 45-50 ft. Crayola barrels can't go that far.

Please explain to me where he says "crayola barrels". Mine, with 9/16 brass and heavy-weighted stefans gets about 98' with the first shot, and 94' with the second.

And even with crayola barrels, my crayoled SM5000 got 100'.

#51669 Does Anyone Here Remember Me?

Posted by The Large Moose on 05 April 2005 - 08:54 PM in General Nerf

I have several completely unrelated things to say here, so I just stuck it in this forum.

First, anyone here remember me? I recognize a few of these names, but mainly just Cx and the other admins. I had a little spare time (a rare comodity for me these days) so I figured I'd drop in and say 'Hello'. Anyway, I looked through the mod tutorials on this site and while impressive, I do still have all of my old site's content. Most of it's probably ourdated, but I do have a few brass barrel mods that, while nothing amazing, might still be useful to newbies. If you'd like, I'd be more than happy to donate (dump) all of it to NH.

Also, I took a look at boltsniper's new clip-loading homemade rifle, and I have to say it's probably the best thing we've seen around ehre in homemades since Stefan darts, at least in my opinion. I've been recently interested in creating a semi-auto shotgun just for old time's sake. I plan on using some of the same idea's bolt used- I'll let you all know how it goes. I have a couple of ideas that could possibly make it a decent weapon (err... Nerf-wise).

So, what do you guys have to eat around here?

Wow, "Do we remember you"....you should be shot if you don't. I don't know if you remember me but I was SaRgEnT MyStiK on NO, back when camel caps was rampant. Anyway, I lived off of your site, untill it fell. Your mods were the best of their time, your reviews were massive and aswell the best of their time. If you have any of this still un-deleted, I am sure the NIC could definately use it. I hope you stop by more, we could use your 1337ness.

#51788 Does Anyone Here Remember Me?

Posted by The Large Moose on 06 April 2005 - 10:06 PM in General Nerf

Wow... Finally! I've been searching for your mods all over the net- seems you have alot of mods for some rarer guns that I've been fortunate enough to get my hands on. Welcome back!


I believe he had the only true SM500 write up, as well as SM1000. I used both of those, and the mod he used on the SM5000. What was the site? http://360.sniper5000.com or something. Lots of numbers..

EDIT: Wow, I am a loser. I even remember what you named your SS2. Jeremy. :w00t:

#55013 Family Guy - Season Four

Posted by The Large Moose on 16 May 2005 - 04:40 PM in Off Topic

Nah, MTV is dieing, after 20 years, they will probably have created every type of reality show known to man, and unless they start showing music actually, they will have nothing to show.

On the fact of Family Guy, I think it is one of the funniest shows I seen in my life, and its greatness is only compared with Robot Chicken, because, thats a great show too.

#37024 Favorite Online Game?

Posted by The Large Moose on 12 September 2004 - 01:30 PM in Off Topic

PC: Counter-Strike, Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne, C&C Generals (sometimes),
Doom 3, Unreal Tournament 2004

Xbox: Halo, Halo2 (soon), Midtown Madness 3, Burnout 3, Unreal Championship 2 (soon), Conker: Live and Realoded(sp?) (soon)

Soon to be played: Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source, and Mechassault 2 (XB)


3.4 P4 800FSB HT
250GB Maxtor HD
2 CD-RW drives and 1 DVD-R drive
Thermaltake case w/ 7 fans
2 Blacklights and 2 Green lights
X800 XT Platinum Edition ($$$)
Lanparty Pro 875B Mobo
2GB Goldendragon GeIL RAM
Swiftech dual radiator liquid cooling setup w/ CPU water block, chipset water block, and vid. card water block

It cost me alot, but I built it myself :)

#60287 Favortie Sm/larami Gun

Posted by The Large Moose on 26 July 2005 - 09:48 PM in General Nerf

I must say the time I had my SM500, and SM5000 both in working condition together, they were a force to be reckoned with. With a primary that in 4 pumps acheived 125' ranges, and a 3 pump secondary that acheived 100', there isn't much better. With the speed that these can be primed and fired, they can almost be considered cocking weapons, as a few quick pumps leads to a bolt of foaming coming your way.

#50579 Gear

Posted by The Large Moose on 26 March 2005 - 01:08 AM in General Nerf

INDOOR: My PC, NF on the side, extra PC clip, maybe a household item to wear as camo (blanket, etc.), possible holster, and occasionally a small backpack holding an SM1500 for multi-weapon battles.

OUTDOOR: Since there is more space to frolick, just an SM1500, NF on the side, perhaps a holster (my pockets work well), a pic-a-nic basket, and my friend has a gilly-suit I would really like to wear :P

Guille suit I beileve, or Guile?

Anyway, I carry either:
Xbow + 2 LnL's
Holsters for LnL's
Ammo strap thing that you see heavy gunners use in movies and games and such around their chest
Sometimes in woods I use walkie-talkies.

Or same setup with BBB in place of Xbow

#60567 Good News And Bad News

Posted by The Large Moose on 29 July 2005 - 08:59 PM in General Nerf

Bad news first: I have been all over Florida and still no sign of DTBs or Fireflys.

The very good news (not sure if this has been discovered or not): I went to target, and found 10 packs of double AT2k packs, the norm. But then I stumbled upon the price tag. $4.98!!!!!!! Thats 2 dollars and 49 cents a gun! I think this is Nerf's best value yet. I bought 5 packs. 10 guns for less than 25? Good deal, good deal

#53607 Good News, Bad News

Posted by The Large Moose on 26 April 2005 - 09:50 PM in General Nerf

All I have to say is this:
I need it. Again.

#53050 Good News, Bad News

Posted by The Large Moose on 20 April 2005 - 10:32 PM in General Nerf

I hope the new 3B has a differant color scheme, because seriosuly, I don't know about you guys, but I am definately a classic nerfer. I would rather take an old school gun with half the range of an AT2k anyday. I love the LnL, BBB, X-bow etc. just for the pimpin' factor. I just hope its in a new color scheme so you can still have a differantiation between the old and new. I don't know about you guys, but I am imagining a dark red BBB? Like the scout color. It would go good with my purple ones. :)