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Member Since 26 Aug 2004
Offline Last Active Sep 11 2004 11:20 PM

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In Topic: Modding A Bbb

06 September 2004 - 10:25 AM

Warghost, if you'd have actually had read the topic you made about it, you'd have noticed I posted a link with the internal picture.


Actually, I find the sights somewhat useful for shots you have time to set up. Even when you don't they can serve as a quick aid. Of course, that's as long as you don't look directly through the scope... I usually look through the front part of the scope system with my eye slightly behind and above the back part (the one with the red "lense" in it. If you align the line going down the middle of the back part with the middle of the front of the scope it's pretty effective, and the point of view adjustment usually compsensates for gravity's effect on the dart in short to mid range shots.

In Topic: Funny

02 September 2004 - 07:17 PM

I would never stoop to calling GAP shoppers gay, but I do believe that they are a little dilusional. I never pay more than $20 for a pair of jeans, and over there everything is insanely overpriced. In my book, any over-priced clothes store is a serious waste of money that could be put to better use.

Heh... don't forget Hot Topic... it's the GAP for people of the goth persuasion. Also, in addition to pants that cost more than $20, never buy pants that weight more than 10 pounds (I haven't seen this, but I've seen damn close). Although such pants could be useful for people looking to lose weight... still not worth looking ridiculous with all those damn chains and crap, though.

In Topic: Idea For A Dart Mod.

28 August 2004 - 09:28 PM

...I noticed a noticeable improvement in velocity...

...Stefans shouldn't release air, since they should be made with closed cell foam.  stock darts, I'm not sure.  I think that the dart is a slicker surface and allows a better seal with the barrel.

One would think that if you noticed it then it would be noticeable by default. :P Sorry... it's just too much fun being a smartass...

While it is closed cell foam, it's still foam, and foam is not solid, so even closed cell foam could feasibly release air. Although, it's safe to assume that the improvement when this technique is applied to a Stefan will not be nearly as large. I didn't think about it making a better seal with the barrel, but that's definitely possible... also, the slicker surface, as opposed to the surface of the foam, is vastly more aerodynamic, given that it creates much less air resistance acting on the dart.

In Topic: Idea For A Dart Mod.

28 August 2004 - 09:21 PM

Wow... how did I miss both of those? My innuendo detection skills are failing me...

In Topic: Modding A Bbb

28 August 2004 - 09:19 PM

Just to remind you, you don't have to use fishing weights. To anwser your question, yes they are at fishing stores.

True... what, approximately, do fishing weights look like, anyway? I'll probably just use the closest thing I can find at the hardware store whenever I go to look for backer rod.