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One Man Clan

Member Since 28 Jan 2003
Offline Last Active Feb 10 2020 10:18 AM

Topics I've Started

Tek Recon

26 May 2013 - 05:54 AM

Has anyone seen this? Has there been a discussion about it?


Ea Announces Next Nert Wii Game

09 July 2009 - 08:56 AM

From Engadget this morning:

Posted Image


Thought all your dreams of an all-in-one NERF gun / Wii controller were fulfilled with the original NERF Blaster Controller? Think again. 'Cause EA has now announced its follow-up NERF 2: N-Strike Elite game, which will of course also come bundled with a new and improved NERF Switch Shot EX-3 blaster. As before, this one will house the Wiimote inside to let you use it with the game or let you ditch it to take things outside (or to the office), and it adds a new attachable "NERF decoder scope" that'll let you detect enemy weak spots, decode secret messages, and uncover other hidden gameplay elements. And, well, it's a NERF gun and a Wii controller. Is there anything else you really need to know? No word on a price just yet, but you can look for the bundle to launch sometime this fall.


05 April 2009 - 10:44 AM

Just an FYI to anyone interested in ordering PETG from me. I started a new thread about it, and the old one will be "unpinned" shortly, hopefully to disappear into the archives. That is all. Happy buying, as soon as it's back in stock.

For all things PETG, please go here from now on.

Black Friday Nerf Deals

27 November 2008 - 08:26 PM

After going over the Black Friday ads like Gen. Paton going over his plans for the invasion of Sicily, I have stumbled upon a few Nerf related sales for tomorrow. If anyone is brave stupid enough to go out tomorrow (like me) look for the following:

I saw a TV ad for at3k twin packs for $10 at Wal-Mart

All Nerf is 50% off at KOHL'S

Perhaps the best one though is at Gamestop. If you get the N-Strike game for Wii, they give you a Maverick for free, but according to the photo, it's not a regular blue or yellow maverick. This one is a Gamestop exclusive and it's clear; like see-through clear, like a SF or PC. If I get ANYTHING Nerf related tomorrow, it would be that.

That is all for now. If I get that Maverick, I will throw up some pics.


22 September 2008 - 06:18 PM

ANYONE AND EVERYONE who doesn't belong to the ambassador or founder group.