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Member Since 24 Aug 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 01 2010 08:20 PM

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In Topic: Trimav

03 July 2009 - 02:16 AM

How smooth is the swapping process? Not too smooth, I imagine, since you say the pivots are difficult and it wobbles.

In Topic: Nerfers Nerfing Disease

01 December 2008 - 08:30 PM

Actually, you can run two GUI clients at the same time, if you're willing to take the hassle.

First, find your original folder, which should be in program files. It should be the folder that has .exe. Make a copy of the folder. Delete the work folder and the queue.dat in the copy.
For each one, make a shortcut of the exe. Then go to properties of the shortcut. It should say target : "C:/blahblah/". Add -local after the ending quote (this means that it will store the files locally). For the second one, open the client.cfg in notepad and change the machineID from 1 to 2. Make sure not to change anything else at all. now, you can use the two shortcuts to run each core. I don't know if you need to have -local for the GUI client, but it doesn't hurt. You can always use the console client, but if you like the GUI you can still have two using the copy method. If you look around on the foldingforums they will probably be able to help you more. Or the folding wiki.

I've been running World Community Grid lately because a) I don't have the money to spend on electricity for my GPU, which doesn't get too many points anymore;I only have the computer on during the day, and b)the CPU servers for Stanford have been really unreliable as of late.

In Topic: Nerfers Nerfing Disease

28 August 2008 - 01:38 AM

Actually i think the gpu has some trouble with stability when playing games. Maybe it's a fixed issue. Also, gpu doesn't know how to back off; the process (CPU) does, but not the video card itself.

Running the system tray client would be the best to keep it out of the way, and you can open/close it as you wish.

Also, note that PS3's dont give a good PPDPW (points per joule essentially, with converting). It's expensive to run them 24/7. However, they are considering raising the points for it I think.

In Topic: Nerfers Nerfing Disease

26 August 2008 - 01:00 AM

Good to hear that you and RAMBO are running Nvidia clients. I lost access to my 8800 gts.
Looks like getting the 3650 instead of a better ATI was a mistake. I was kind of paranoid about overloading the PSU.

In Topic: Bsa

26 August 2008 - 12:54 AM

Star Scout, been SPL. But I'm a cul de sac, not enough drive or time to get to eagle. Mainly because in high school i don't really participate in BS while it's marching or winter percussion season, which cuts out half of the year. Hopefully I make it to Life Scout. I just need one more eagle-required MB.

It's a great experience, hands down.

Philmont was great, Sea Base sounded like a lot of fun (my friends went).
Jamborees-I went to Taiwan Jamboree and International Rendezvous same year as Philmont (Summer 07).
Hopefully this year I'll go to Northern Tier. Maybe eventually another trip to Philmont.