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necrotech inc

Member Since 27 Jun 2004
Offline Last Active Aug 29 2004 04:39 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The Nite Finder With Less Crap On It!

06 July 2004 - 12:31 AM

huh. well, i could see adding a mount for a modular attachment system. flashlight, laser site, second gun, ammo holder...just for a few ideas.

In Topic: The Nite Finder With Less Crap On It!

06 July 2004 - 12:28 AM

yup yup. well, i may try adding some filler in there as ninjz suggested.

maybe i'll see if i can make some angle shots, to!

the idea that went with this one, another brainstorm from katachi (you should listen to him, he's got some good shit) was a remote for other stuff in the battery compartment. you get a sleek gun and an unfair advantage! OMFG!!!!!!!!

i think i jizzed mah paynts.ssshhhhheeeeiiiiittttt!

In Topic: The Nite Finder With Less Crap On It!

06 July 2004 - 12:11 AM

awwwww, mean ol mr. haze doesn't like my work!

In Topic: The Nite Finder With Less Crap On It!

06 July 2004 - 12:09 AM

yes mr. ninjz..az..z, it's a photoshop. before i spend many hours of my time messing with it i thought i'd see how it looked and get some feedback. wow, am i evil!

now, if i'd entered it in the contest, that would have been bad. however, i didn't, did i? i simply asked for input on the design. it'll take me a bit to make the actual gun.

i actually like the color scheme the way it is, just without the silver.

btw, i'm self taught in photoshop, and i haven't had much practice. i thought it was a halfway decent jorb, Mr. ninjazazaz

In Topic: Nf Barrel Mods...

04 July 2004 - 11:39 PM

hi! i have a slightly higher price option that works insanely well for me.

i use pve with a 1/2 inch inside diameter, but as you know, the darts are too tight.

i have an adjustable ream that goes from just under to just over 1/2 inch. i have it set to the perfect size for my darts. get one of these and you can set it once, then use an electric drill to make as many micro barrels as ya want with a great finish every time.

this is probably a $10-$20 item, so keep that in mind. i got mine at a garage sale in a bag of drill bits, so i'm not sure on the cost.