Good evening NH, I'm currently a worthless newbie, however, I've been lurking these forums for a month or two and as a result I've begun some noob-friendly modifications to two of my hand cannons. Now I've deemed it time for my maiden post! I recently stopped at a dollar store and picked up a two pack of the good old 3ks (last ones on the shelf!) after mumbling excessively to myself how annoying it was that most of the other stores only sell N-Strike stuff now and lack the selection of my childhood. Anyways, I told myself I wouldn't open them up and poke around until I finished re-barreling and tuning up at least my nitefinder (I at least need a stock to play with when I'm bored while my sidearms are in the works), but upon testing both I've noticed that one's rotation mechanism sounds like it's catching occasionally when I re-pump after a shot. I played with the other for a while and it doesn't seem to have any problem. Now, this doesn't bother me too much seeing as I can re-barrel the one with the 100% working rotation and simply single the (seemingly) sub-par one and get rid of it's (faulty) guts. In the meantime, however, as I do my research on barrel lengths and techniques and save up for a new hack saw (my last one was defective to say the least ) it's been bugging me that a perfectly good 3k sometimes takes an extra pump to rotate the turret. Now, seeing that I haven't had these very long and these are my first airtechs, my standards may be higher than the average blaster and I'm simply experiencing what is considered to be normal. I doubt it, however, seeing as my other one hasn't had this problem and now I'm posting in regards to hopefully get a higher resolution picture of the inside of an ATK3K for comparison to mine. I've seen pictures in a great deal of threads and writeups but I was hoping someone could help me out with a bigger one so I can see what's goin' on in there.
On another note, I'm trying to convince all my friends to go out and buy at least one nerf gun to play with me because so far it's just been me and my friend 1v1ing in my living room and backyard. Great fun to be sure, but maybe, just maybe, I can eventually turn the Wayne State campus into the foam-worthy battleground I know it longs to be.
Thanks for any and all comments and then maybe you'll hear more from me once I de-noobify myself
Edit: Even just a clear closeup of the turret rotation mechanism would help me fine. Thanks again!
Militant Panda
Member Since 09 Aug 2007Offline Last Active Jul 03 2008 04:16 PM