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Commander T-Bone

Member Since 03 Jul 2007
Offline Last Active Aug 07 2007 11:42 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Top 5 Favorite Worst Movies Ever

07 July 2007 - 08:34 AM

No offence to people that like these movies, its just my opinion
1. X-Men 3 (Basically the movie focuses on Wovlerine, and killed one of my favourite super heroes in the first 15 minutes
2. Pirates of the Carribean 3( Sorry to people who liked it, but to me it was boring)
3. Kung POW (just a stupid movie)
4.Gigli- Not sure how to spell it one with Ben Afflich and Jenifer Lopez (burned my eyes when i saw it)
5.Spider-Man 3 (Once again sorry to people who liked it, but it had so much colases that you could predict what would happen next easilly)

But i didn't watch a lot of movies so this is my worst 5

In Topic: Poll: Do You Cuss?

06 July 2007 - 04:47 PM

i havean't cursed on the forums but who knows i might do it in the future, cause i only posted 5 polls so far

In Topic: Birthday Ideas...

06 July 2007 - 04:42 PM

Why won't you just get a new decent comp(around 400 $)?If you dont want to use that much money then maybe look on gamerankings for new games or just get money and save it for nerf guns.

In Topic: Top 5 All Time Best Movies

06 July 2007 - 04:24 PM

1. Water Boy
2.Lord Of The Ring Series( i know its 3 movies but ill count it as one)
3 Kung Fu Hustle
4.Infernal Affairs(The Departed , but chinese version, this came first and then departed was based on this movie)
5. Toy Story( Might be kiddish but the animation is good , and its a great family movie)