Never was real deep in this site, so I doubt anyone knows me but about a week ago I saw this new nerf gun the vulcan, and was like hey have to see what nerfhavens saying about it. Havent played nerf in a while, starting to get more into paintball actually, but if i had money I would deffiently buy nerf stuff again. Me and my friends dont really have a spot to play anymore because of a few broken pictures in someones house lol. But I played a lot for a while and learned everything here, including modding, all the guns, and how to make your own darts. (still finding them at my house) Lot of my guns are gone and broke, pretty sure I still have a tommy gun that was battrey powered (Sucked in my opinon) and like 3 nite finders. Maybe a ligtning blitz which I thought was so cool cause it was the first gun I modded. I was wondering if their are any nerf tournments that happen around Columbus ohio. Or anyone that lives near their incase I happened to get the urge to buy some guns again once christmas comes around.
Just saw the winter war in ohio, dont put me down on the list, but I might try and go. would give info on it soon.
- NerfHaven
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Member Since 02 Jul 2007Offline Last Active Nov 09 2008 09:47 PM
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09 November 2008 - 09:05 PM
May Get Suspended For This... But Feel I Need To Voice My Opinion
20 October 2007 - 10:08 PM
Im not trying to be a snot nosed kid but if I am correct i think you guys are trying expand your community here at nerfhaven, and its easily the best nerf site there is. There is so many resources here, I ask a question that can be the most newbish and within 1 minute i have 1-2 replies fillled with all the information I need. But I feel that some of the new people here get "shot down" a lot. And over silly things too. I know I have bad grammar but i think some people take it a little too seriously. If you cant understand what im asking, dont post in my topic. If you dont like me or dont like my posts, dont read them. I think that some people are a little too upset about these things and this isnt gonna bring new people into this community. Also I have noticed some people get really upset over people mentioning ebay auctions. Now this is just an example of a noob breaking a rule and i completley understand why its so frusterating and everything to have this autcion you are bidding on exposed, but these kids get beat up a little hard. I think a way to prevent this is to maybe PM newcomers the list of rules, and ask them to read it, or take the main points out for them to read. I understand that I may be a little out of line on saying all this. I think I have maybe 15 posts or less on this site, and im pretty new, plus I have no authority on this site and dont run any of it or have contributited to it by showing a list of all the mods or a video directory (which was SWEET watching by the way today, kept me occupied, lol) But I figured I would just voice my opinon. I will appreciate all the help from everyone, and keep this site running.
I Have A Few Questions... Edit
20 October 2007 - 10:36 AM
Okay first i want to know if its possible to still buy big salvos new, because of course im going to want the arrows for them and i know like on ebay i have seen some and they dont come with arrows.
Also i wanted to know if its hard to remove the barrel posts for the lightning blitz. I just got 2 of them today along with a blue and black nite finder
Is there a diffrence between the diffrent genration nf's besides color
Can i find dart tag guns (the ten shooters) with out vests?
i was wondering about air techs. Are they good? The reason i am skeptical about buying them is because they shoot 6 darts but do they get better range? Are they better than the dart tag guns?
Also whats with these spierman guns, are they good onc modded? should i look into them? they seemd sorta good to me i mean you bassicly have a gun that you dont need to carry just strap it on.
And my final question is is it really worth making your own darts, i feel like its going to be such a pain to remove barrel posts out of all these guns and want to know if its worth it and if it will affect the regular darts at all. thanks
Also i wanted to know if its hard to remove the barrel posts for the lightning blitz. I just got 2 of them today along with a blue and black nite finder
Is there a diffrence between the diffrent genration nf's besides color
Can i find dart tag guns (the ten shooters) with out vests?
i was wondering about air techs. Are they good? The reason i am skeptical about buying them is because they shoot 6 darts but do they get better range? Are they better than the dart tag guns?
Also whats with these spierman guns, are they good onc modded? should i look into them? they seemd sorta good to me i mean you bassicly have a gun that you dont need to carry just strap it on.
And my final question is is it really worth making your own darts, i feel like its going to be such a pain to remove barrel posts out of all these guns and want to know if its worth it and if it will affect the regular darts at all. thanks
Are These Good Guns? Can I Mod Them For Stefans?
12 October 2007 - 09:53 PM i wanted to get like 4 dart tag 10 shooters, but then i saw airtech 3000's, but they looked hard to mod, then i saw this which shot more then the airtechs, can these be modded? there 5 bucks!!!
Getting Into Nerf, What I Think I Need...
02 October 2007 - 07:13 PM
hey well me and my friends are going to start playing nerf. i actualy bought a maverick and tried modding it and of course it broke. (i hear that they suck pretty bad) and i actually thought it was a good stock gun bought im sure just about everyone would beg to differ. but what me and my friends are thinking that we want to get 4 vests with 4 guns. (the ones that shoot 10, or in other words the 40 dollar sets) 4 nite finers (just cause i hear there sweet) 2 big bad bows (idk i think they seemed kinda fun and there would be one for each team) and then maybe 1-2 big bad titans. now im sure a lot of people disagree with the titans but hey 80feet of range, i figure it would be sweet basically having a missle launcher. but tell me what you think of this set. I also wanted to know how hard it is to mod the nite finders. i am afraid that i myelf will break them so i might buy them from mod man. but the thing is as much as i hear that the homeade darts are sick. i dont plan on using them because they dont stick to the vests. so is it worth it that much to get the other darts? or would it be fine if i used a combination of both. I guess i dont understand if the regular darts will still shoot with the barrel posts out. I also want to know if its worth getting the vest or not. Thanks guys sorry this is so long
- NerfHaven
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