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Member Since 08 Jun 2007
Offline Last Active Nov 07 2017 01:03 AM

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Just a few Rayven suggestions

02 June 2016 - 08:54 PM

If you got a spare Rayven you don't use that's just lying around, you could sell it on eBay for a nice profit or you can try to beef it up w/o making it look like a Frankenstein monster.

You'll need:
Rayven gun
Strfye gun's fly wheel section (the motors, etc.)
A foot or 2 of wires (get red and green if possible, but not necessary)
Solder iron and solder
Resin w/chemical hardener

Bondo w/chemical hardener
Stock Paper (preferred)
Rotary tool
Basic wire stripping/clipping tools, etc.
Common sense

This is based from the dual-stage mod (EDIT: the rayven afterburner build log), but I'm not reviving a 2-year old thread, I think it's frowned on... I don't remember the rules too well...

Open up the gun and clear out any plastic that's blocking the space where the motor's are going to be.
We're all engineers here, so you should know which sections needs to be gotten rid of, and which doesn't need to be touched.
The area where you'll be planting the Stryfe motors is almost like it was made to fit it, perfect amount of space.


After the wall has been cut, and it allows the motors to jut out from the inside, you'll need to cut a covering for the motors.
I recommend using "Stock Paper". It's a thicker kind of printing paper, it's commonly used by cosplayers to make objects that they eventually turn into harden armors, props, etc. The paper itself is just meant to be glued into a shape, but it's toughness will help it hold its' shape while you apply gel-like paste on it, which eventually harden to a shell harder than drywall. You'll want to make a "Box cover" to protect the motors from contact with the paste, and for it to hold the form of a wall for the side of the gun.

From the picture below, that's only 1 suggestion to cut the paper, there's several ways to do it, or you can even fold it like an origami and just glue it, pick w/e you want, just make it a cover lid that fits the motors PERFECTLY!!



Once you've made the cover, find the exact spot you'll plant the motors.
Put the cover on there, and paint it with "RONDO"
First paint the outside (the outer shell of the Rayven), let it dry, then paint a thin layer on the inside, this should make a strong merging.
Use some common sense on how to do this. If you feel you need to have the motors in place to do the insides. then make sure it's covered, perhaps wrap it with some aluminium foil (Rondo doesn't really stick to it, and it's thin enough not to effect the spacing).

Once the outer layer is dry and harden, just give it a nice sanding to clean it up. The flat surface should be 1 or 2 mm's more out than that section's original surface (notice on the right picture below, the smooth newly formed surface is only 1 mm higher than either of its' sides).






You don't really need to do much with the Rayven's motors because you're not depending on it to shoot the darts out to the barrel.
The resistors on the Stryfe motors are the ones you'll need to clip. Both of those will be taking in the full 6 volts each. Make sure to solder the wiring exactly as shown. Cover any exposed wires that are close to other exposed wires with electrical tape.








The orange tube will be thinner than the entrance tube of the Stryfe so you'll need an adapter to fit it better. You can use several materials; PVC, rolls of paper/tape, foam, w/e. as long as it aims the tub in the center of the entrance, directing the dart right into the fly-wheels.


You'll also have to cut a section of the trigger because it will be blocking the Stryfe motor, just check the picture (light blue) to know which area and how much to cut.








The rest are just optional.
A nice piece of foam to replace the clip button on the lower back, and if you lend out your guns to others to play, and they're newbs. You don't want them to spend the first half of the time, sticking their fingers into the jam door because they pulled the push trigger before pulling the motor activation trigger.
So it's best to make the trigger inoperable if the motors aren't spinning.









Now I'm just bragging~
That's NYCC 2015, and yeah, Nathan Fillion (HALO ODST Buck) is holding my rifle.
I liked that gun a lot, but it's major flaw was that it was 1 piece. Try walking around NYC with that...
So, next time, I'll make it more compact...

(Charlie's Angel pose; obviously!!)

a bikini model also asked to take some pics with it ^_^


Next time, it'll be able to detach into 2 parts, and shoot more smoothly.
Just hope I finish in time... my major weaknesses... procrastination, easily distracted, on PC when I should be working on the stuff I want done~









Feel free to skip this next section





Zing Air Tek bows kick nuts!

11 August 2015 - 10:12 PM

I'm sure there are already mods with the Zing Air Firetek Bow that are like

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but this thread isn't really about the mod, it's mainly about the fun you can have with it after you do it because of how insanely accurate it is!
I've built made many homemades and modified a bit of Nerf guns in the past, but they don't really shoot where you're aiming for after 70' (usually the grouping is about 8-10' apart, and it's not even in a straight like; it's about 5'+ to the left or right from the line you shot down).

These Zing bow and arrows are obviously not for quick reloading, or to be used in wars, they are just super accurate and friggin' fun, as shown in my video, so please click on the link below and laugh your ass off!

We made it in Manhattan Union Square after we saw Ant-Man (Which BTW, has 2 secret scenes after the credits).


Some upcoming Mattel blasters for the year

18 February 2015 - 10:32 PM

Hi guys. I saw these blasters on a Halo fan site and just wanted to share them with you.
These were displayed on this year's NY Toy Fair a few days ago. I wish they sold tickets to the public T_T

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There's also a few new non-Halo related blasters included as well.

Here's a new tri-barreled gun

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To see the full page go to here

Have fun guys!

Edit, thx Zombona for the video link


Nerf meets Meetup?

16 January 2015 - 02:25 AM

Hi Nerf guys
I'm sure many of you here already know about meetup, and use it on occasion.
For those of you who never heard of it, it's a site where you can search for "common interests".
The people there create pages to find & attract others with a common interest in anything; from hobbies, activities, games, etc.
I've been a member there for a couple of years now, and am in a few groups (softball group, card games group, geeky people groups, etc).

The depressing thing though, is that there's no official Nerf meetup group.
I searched "Nerf", and expanded my distance up to 100 miles, and not one groups' name showed up.
This isn't because there's no event coming up soon or anything because I checked the Nerf Wars schedule, and there's a few within 50 miles coming up in the next few months.

Now personally, I would like to join up in one, just to be alerted via email when someone updates a group event on the site, but I'm no group leader.
There are several of you here that goes to hundreds of these events, and hosted them as well.
I ask that someone (responsible), create a group on meetup.com and post it here for the members to signup. I'm sure it'll get hundreds of members easily.

The events won't be limited to just a single State. Anyone from the group can create an event, and ask for it to be posted on the "upcoming events" calendar.

For those of you who are lucky enough to do wars every other weekend. You can create you own page for your usual friends to check on updates, and it'll allow anyone who are new to it to search for your event dates and just join in.
That's how I found out about a local softball meetup group last summer, and I've been playing with them every weekend since then.

Anyways, here's the link:


I hope some of you will consider creating one for the forum, or at least a small one for your city.
It would be nice to have one in NYC, a random activities group I was in had a Nerf war in Central Park a few months ago.
Since the park is a few miles wide, we had no problem finding a spot for ourselves. The joggers and police didn't bother us, and it felt nice shooting a modded Nerf gun at someone again.


New York Anime Festival Nyaf

28 September 2009 - 02:24 AM

Hey guys/gals!! The New York Anime Festival was this weekend and it was a blast!! It was just my luck that I had a seizure on the Saturday morning that I was supposed to go... but I didn't care what the doctor said, because NOTHING was going to prevent me from going!! After a few blood pressure tests, and a nap overnight at the hospital, I was told that I'm fine, and that I could leave, so I got the hell out of there and prepared for the Anime Festival. After waiting for my friend to get out of his house (they were having a party for his sister's wedding... just my freaking luck), we finally got on the train straight for the Jacob Javits Center.
It was beautiful!! Young & Old, people of all ages cosplaying, just having a great time!! And the girls!! There were quite a few incredibly cute girls there...

some were venders:

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some were cosplayers:

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and some were just regularly dressed people that I just had to take a few pictures with...

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Hehe... she said I was cute and pulled out a couple of Pixy Stix from her shirt for me.

Hmmm, where was I? Ah, right!! So anyone else out there who also went to the NYAF this weekend, please feel free to post some pictures, maybe tell a story or two, but mainly don't be shy to post the pictures... especially if they include cute girls ^_~
C'mon Echnalaid, you must have taken a few pictures of girls, you were there!!

Ah, for more pictures of the Anime Festival, just click HERE <--- It'll include many more girls!! and guns!!