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Member Since 10 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 13 2008 02:24 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Summer Ohio War

20 June 2008 - 08:18 PM

Unfortunately today I found out that I'm going to have to work tomorrow, so i regret to inform all that I will not be attending tomorrow's war. Have a blast, for woe is me.

In Topic: Sidearm/secondary Guns

19 May 2008 - 10:44 AM

I finished my new secondary yesterday; a chopped, singled 2k with a copper-over-cpvc breech, goo delete, pump plug, and a maverick grip.

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The breech.

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In Topic: Summer Ohio War

14 May 2008 - 10:22 PM

If 6/21 is confirmed count me in. I'm going to throw my vote for that bitchin' castle playground place too.

In Topic: Arsenal Pictures

05 March 2008 - 01:07 AM

Cpvc'd mav with added LS front gun spring and other mods. NF, NF with laser (stock switch), Scout with laser (small toggle under trigger guard).

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LS/Recon Clip modded BigBlast. Maverick slide bonded to the top for accessory bar.

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LS with Mav integrated. Removed AR's from both. CPVC barrels and R&R mod to the turret of the mav. Brass barrel, modded breech, and handyman spring added to the LS along with extra clip holder on the stock.

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Banded and plugged magstrike. Both clips have the AR's removed; brass only in one though.

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Brass barrel Recon with LS spring and spring tube in the stock, which is still detachable.

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Singled Titan with double action pump relocated and supressor. Rocket firing titan with pump plugged and safety removed.

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Doubleshot sawed down. All shells are drilled. RFR: Added a second spring and reinforced catch. MT20 is stock.

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LS Scopes: both are stock, one has a 5 setting laser and switch installed. You can see the dot/smiley face/star dead center through the scope too, it ended up being pretty slick.

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Clips and ammo. Stingers: pack a punch. RFR and DS shells with altered darts.

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Not pictured: 2 stock mavericks, stock NF, several LS front guns

In Topic: Longshot-mav Integration

17 January 2008 - 01:07 AM

Here's some pics of my Maverick integrated LS:

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I used a bent and doubled up wire hanger to go where the connecting rod for the Maverick slide was. This makeshift rod is connected to the LS bolt by some picture frame wire, allowing both guns to be cocked at the same time and still fire independently. The only drawback to this is the longshot bold requires longer distance when cocking compared to the maverick, so there is some slack to contend with; nothing a few snips of bar stirrer/drinking straw can't solve though.

Also, unless you plan on keeping both guns in "as is" condition, i.e. current performance and ranges, do everything you can to both guns before trying to slap them together. Trying to open something like this up again is by no means easy or fun, unless you intend to take the time and patience build it with maintenance access in mind.