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Blue Ice

Member Since 25 Jan 2004
Offline Last Active Jun 23 2005 10:49 AM

Topics I've Started

The Legend Is Back

07 November 2004 - 05:12 PM

bye bye

Quick Question

07 November 2004 - 02:00 PM

bye bye

Best Homemades

17 February 2004 - 06:41 PM

If you read all of the topics I've started, you will notice that most of them are on homemades.

I just finnished my 7th hm and it works ok, not as good as some others I have. I am about to start another one to replace one that I sold last week.

I want to know about the best homemades you guys have ever made, but keep 'em simple. I dont have all the resources that some people do.

Pic's and diagrams would be best, but I might be able to work through a few written instructions.

Before you post anything make sure the gun works with 1/2 inch micros (stefans), otherwise its just a waste of your time. Also a simple clip...sorry...magazine system would be nice but can be worked around. One last thing, keep the cos below 30 bucks, I already have 3/4 CPVC, 1/2 CPVC, and 3/4 PVC so that should keep the cost down. Any input is welcomed, even if it is only about a part of a gun.

Note: For any admins; you can dump buckbogey, dont need that anymore.

Easy Pump Tank

02 February 2004 - 10:03 PM

Heres what it looks like whan you are finnished. The gray tube is the body of a bicycle pump, the red is the rod and plunger, and the blue is a spring.

What you do is get an old bicycle pump, take the cap on the handle end off and take the plunger assembly out. Take the plunger off the rod (should just screw off). Get a spring, or two that are the lenght of the body or just shorter. They should be relativly hard.

Slip the spring(s) over the rod ans put the plunger back on. Put the whole thing back together only this time weld the cap to the body (so it doesnt pop off)

To fill the tank just pull the handle out (compresses the spring) this is assuming that you took the time to buy a pump with a flowback canceller. When you open the valve and let the air oyt of the tank/pump the spring relaxes and forces the air out.

In theroy this should work, but everything works in theroy.

Edit: couldnt get the pics to come up, ill go look at a post that i think was about pics. sorry

Edit again: Ok i confesses that i was bb, now can u please get rid of the liar.

Edit again: I'm having way to much trouble finding the topic on pics. I know im ask a question a second tim, but could someone tell me how to get a pic off a floppy, or at least point me to the right topic.

What Kinda Clips?

29 January 2004 - 06:38 PM

I've read countless post about guns with clips. I currently have two guns with clips, but they are not prefetly air tight and sometimes they get jammed.

What I want to know is how you guys make your clips.

Pics would be awesome.