Well what's sad is that everybody uses the canned "look in the modifications directory thread, dumbass" response without even checking to see the relevance to his question: in this case, there are NO fury fire mods in the Mod Directory, so telling him to go look there isn't very constructive. Should he have looked there first? Yes. But his question still deserves a thoughtful answer, instead of just bashing him.
Now obviously he didn't know to look there first, so he sorta got "lucky", however, as a community that prides itself on intellect and maturity, we should really make sure the suggestions we're making are useful, and not just some newb bashing under the guise of helping.
- NerfHaven
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In Topic: Nerf Dart Tag Furyfire Mods
05 December 2010 - 01:41 PM
In Topic: Nerf, Nozzles, And Fluid Dynamics
18 August 2010 - 04:57 PM
I'm pretty sure the pitfall here is that air compresses much more easily than steam and certainly water. Therefore any attempt to 'accelerate' the air through a tightening nozzle just serves to build up high pressure behind the nozzle, without actually being accelerated through it. This is why air 'flow' is so important in nerf. High pressure is good, but not if it doesn't ever contact your dart.
In Topic: Predator Magnum, + 2k And Sspb
17 August 2010 - 09:40 PM
I love the gun, integrations make me happy. Just one question: why didn't you stick with running the at2k trigger wire through vinyl tubing like the fishing line previously? I understand that its not horribly uncomfortable where it is now, but was there technical difficulty in getting it to work through the tubing?
In Topic: Need Help Designing Nerf Guns
16 July 2010 - 03:13 PM
To be fair, a lot of universities have the ability to distribute licenses of commercial-grade software for either free, or very very cheap. I have legitimate copies of Inventor 2010, Autocad2010, Visual Studio 2008, and could have many other software licenses if I wanted. All thanks to being an Engineering major.I use autodesk inventor 2010. its a great tool, as it allows you to design your parts in 3D, so you can see them in all their glory. Its also REALLY easy to learn and use. I taught myself in the lesser half of the week.
What you don't state is that Inventor is insanely expensive. $5300? Not for nerf stuff. And I can pretty much guarantee that you didn't buy it, so why don't you stop admitting to and encouraging illegal activity on a site dedicated to toys, populated by kids?
In Topic: Pumpbow
14 July 2010 - 10:44 PM
That just looks unfair. And the cocking looks alot easier than I'd have expected (though that might just be the difference between the [k26] and [k25]. I didn't think they were that different). Awesome stuff.
- NerfHaven
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