Ok, I was just wondering if anyone new anything about this gun. I haven't opened it up but from what I can see outside, it does look pretty tough to mox.
And about the range, I've been consistently getting over 25 ft. So I don't why they have 20 ft. max.
- NerfHaven
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In Topic: Stats 10 Dart Blaster
04 June 2007 - 05:48 PM
In Topic: Total Xstream Air Tube Missle
02 June 2007 - 12:11 PM
So admins are allowed to be assholes. If bans me it's just because he's a fag and he wants everyone to either be on his side, or not be here at all. I hope he bans me cause i don't even want to be a part of this fricken place anymore.
Yea and I'd own every last one of you in a nerf war.
Yea and I'd own every last one of you in a nerf war.
In Topic: Total Xstream Air Tube Missle
02 June 2007 - 11:44 AM
Wow I'm definitely not going to sit here and be lectured by some kid with a purple pony as his picture.
Oh yeah and pineapple called me a twit, is he going to get banned for acting like a jackass Nerf Monkey?
Oh yeah and pineapple called me a twit, is he going to get banned for acting like a jackass Nerf Monkey?
In Topic: Total Xstream Air Tube Missle
01 June 2007 - 07:28 PM
Yeah...generally that kind of attitude isn't acceptable here. I'm just trying to save you from being banned in the future by acting like a jackass. People make mistakes sometimes, that doesn't mean you have to call them a moron.
I understand that people make mistakes sometimes, but he went out of his way to try to say that I was wrong and make me look like an idiot when he didn't even know what he's talking about. I think that a guy that would do that is a bigger jackass than me.
But back to this guy's topic. That's an interesting find. I'd like to see that missile on a titan with some range mods.
In Topic: Total Xstream Air Tube Missle
01 June 2007 - 06:29 PM
I saw that too, but it wasn't this missile.I saw a video on youtube and this guy modded hit Titan to shoot those missles and he got incredible range. I'm not sure about the exact distance but it was pretty far.
Yea don't try to act you know what you're talking about to act smart. Which this video you fricken moron.
- NerfHaven
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