Also, spring 884 from Century Springs is great for BBB's, when cut down a bit. I am consistently getting 105' with it.
Thanks, added it to the list (with data from Century Spring). I'd calculate the power, but I would need to know how much the spring gets compressed in the BBB.
I read the whole thing...would you like me to take some more precise measurements? i've got NF's, Mavs, BBB's, and LS's in various states of dis-assembly, and I've got digital calipers
Also, could this be packaged as an excel spreadsheet, word doc, or PDF? It would make a great quick reference.
If you feel like it, sure. Or measurements from springs not listed here. That was originally the point of the post - to sucker other people into posting more info.
As for an Excel sheet, I could do that. Is there a way to post it here, or just stick it on my website and link it?
Also you have the new record for content per post.
There is some temptation to stop now while my average content ratio is still high.
That`s some good info. I`d love to have the time and equipment to get around to doing something like this, but sadly, it will be a while.
Are those compression forces estimates of overall, as these springs obviously do not obey Hooke`s Law?
Yes, definitely. If the spring starts out completely uncompressed, and then is compressed all the way down to its solid height, we are going through two ranges where the rate isn't constant, and I'm just hoping it doesn't make that much difference. This is the best I can do with the information available.