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Member Since 23 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 07 2010 12:38 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Nerfhaven

01 August 2010 - 11:19 PM

I have definetally moved on from nerf, there are so many better things. But looking back on this site, it kinda sucks... people are total jerks to you for doing little things and many of the admins insult other members. Other fourms on the internet are a lot better in that the people are actually nice to each other and offer constructive critisism rather than just putting people down. Also the thing about members having to wait for like months before they are approved is totally gay. Let more people so that your website grows... I know that this will get locked right away and I will get banned but I am glad to. Unless you change your ways, many people will always look upon your site as a bad place.

I'm so sorry. You and your six posts of content (including that one) will be sorely missed. Especially posts of this content: http://nerfhaven.com...topic=17748&hl=

TED, he just did that right there. ^

In Topic: Nerfhaven

01 August 2010 - 10:09 PM

I have definetally moved on from nerf, there are so many better things. But looking back on this site, it kinda sucks... people are total jerks to you for doing little things and many of the admins insult other members. Other fourms on the internet are a lot better in that the people are actually nice to each other and offer constructive critisism rather than just putting people down. Also the thing about members having to wait for like months before they are approved is totally gay. Let more people so that your website grows... I know that this will get locked right away and I will get banned but I am glad to. Unless you change your ways, many people will always look upon your site as a bad place.

I'm so sorry. You and your six posts of content (including that one) will be sorely missed. Especially posts of this content: http://nerfhaven.com...topic=17748&hl=

Assholes like you make the world a bad place. Honestly, admins should focus more on banning people like you, rather than banning innocent members because their grammar is "bad". You make the NIC a miserable place, one that makes me not want to be apart of it. Now please, do us all a favor. Get over yourself, and please, try being nice.

In Topic: Image Posting Problems

27 June 2010 - 08:59 PM

Upload your images to Photobucket, and then copy and paste the code I circled in the picture below into your post. Viola!

Posted Image

In Topic: Longest Professional Tennis Match... Ever!

24 June 2010 - 12:38 PM

BustaNinja, you just made my morning.

In Topic: The New Nigth Finder Ex-3 Help.

06 June 2010 - 01:57 PM

As previously stated, the safest and easiest method would be to use pipe cutters, unless you're too stupid to use pipe cutters. (Which wouldn't be too surprising for some of the members here)