This write-up is for a pull-and-release type HAMP.
Step One:
Make a HAMP plunger head and plunger tube following KaneTheMediocre's excellent writeup.
Step Two:
Attach whatever barrel material you choose to your plunger tube. In this case I drilled a 5/8" hole into the front.
I then inserted CPVC nested into a few inches of a Longshot's faux barrel, for shooting arrows (thanks VelveetaAvenger).
You could also affix a 1/2" PVC tee to the side of the plunger tube.
For the clip of the RSCB, I used 10" of 1/2" PVC drilled out to 5/8".
I used about 15" of 1/2" PVC for the barrel.
Step Three:
Drill a 7/8" hole near the end of your plunger tube.
Now insert and glue some 1/2" PVC for a handle.
Step Four:
Use four 10" long mini bungee cords (two attached to each other) for the "release" part of your gun.
I don't have any official ranges yet, but it does shoot pretty hard. I find that suction micros work best in the RSCB because the velcro on taggers tends to get splayed out, and jam.
Coal Ten
Member Since 07 Jan 2010Offline Last Active Jan 01 2022 10:22 PM