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Member Since 15 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active Sep 29 2010 06:10 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Nerf Big Blast On Target

23 July 2010 - 05:58 AM

Estimated Ship Weight: 5.50 pounds.

If correct this will be significantly lighter than the N-Strike Vulcan EBF-25

In Topic: N-strike Barrel Break Ix-2

22 July 2010 - 10:23 AM

If i'm correct, this would probably one of nerf's most interesting blasters. I know ILiekNerf (that's how it's really spelled.) has a unboxing video on youtube. You might as well watch it to see if you want this gun. (No i'm not promoting his channel, it's just that he has the only unboxing video on youtube that i know of.) Here's the link