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Member Since 12 Oct 2009
Offline Last Active Dec 24 2011 01:22 AM

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In Topic: Puget Sound Nerf War

24 December 2011 - 01:16 AM

I have three confirmed for this war. We will shoot for an arrival time of 9:30 again to help you clear any trash and dangerous broken glass as usual.

I too have visited Fort Stevens, and it's very similar to Fort Worden with several exceptions. When I visited the site about five years back, many of the indoor rooms were sealed with locked iron gates. The interior hallways are a fun and fascinating battlefield without equal, and is especially vital in foul weather. Before a war can be hosted at Fort Stevens, I would highly recommend another in-person visit. Official permission can be vital to keep your group from driving for hours from all points on the compass only to be kicked out after a half hour of playing.

With that in mind, talk to the head ranger, explain what you wish to host and how many you expect will attend. Make it clear that your group will endeavor to leave the battlefield cleaner than you found it. Bring along a nerf gun and darts in case the ranger wants to inspect what your group is planning to use. (Many assume you're talking about using Airsoft guns or worse yet, paintball) Feel free to shoot yourself in the head with a dart to demonstrate the harmlessness of our chosen weapons. (Don't use a singled Titan for this! :-) Most of all, make a positive impression on him or her and let them know that your group will respect other guests and the historic site itself. It took a visit in person long before the war before Gunther and I obtained official permission to host the wars at Fort Worden, and constant vigilance to ensure that the rangers do not regret extending us that seal of approval.

In Topic: Puget Sound Nerf War

27 September 2011 - 07:35 PM

Sorry, I should have done this earlier. We are +3 for certain and possibly +4 (Ellie is still a probable attendee) How is your public dart supply doing? I was thinking of grabbing and glue-tipping another pack for this war. (The new packs of 100 steamlines make adding more darts to the pile relatively economical)

This is going to be interesting! Weather looks good and attendees appear enthused! Great work setting this up as always. Oh, and because someone will ask... "What about the new Nerf disc Blasters... are those allowed?" (ammo may prove problematic, as Nerf chose to make them GREEN!) (arrrgh)


In Topic: Puget Sound Nerf War

29 September 2010 - 10:49 AM

Gunther and I are heading there today to get authorization for the group. We'll let you know for sure the approved gun battery shortly. Just to clarify, the "official ammo" rule is there for two reasons. One is that bright orange foam (or bright yellow for Buzz Bee guns) is easier to find than black stephans. We want to use this site for a long time, and that means being good guests and collecting up every single dart that it's humanly possible to find. That's also why the "no camo dart rule" is in place.

The second reason is that ranges are close in the battery, and being shot with a fully modded stephan shooting 120+ foot flat range gun in the face from three feet away (common ranges in those tight quarters) is not our idea of a good time. Weighted front tips to avoid skidding are fine, and most of Gunther's darts have glue tips for that reason.

In this location, even buying a stock Alpha Trooper and heading straight to the fight ensures a fun time, as you will not be horribly outclassed by any gun there. It's about fun and games, not who has the ultimate blaster.

In Topic: Puget Sound Nerf War

24 April 2010 - 08:49 PM

Hey FINALLY im able to send a reply.
Any news on anything coming up?

Well, unless Flaming Hilt manages to set up something, Gunther will be unable to host a Nerf War until the fall. With the onset of summer, and better weather, the bunkers just get too crowded to be able to run a war. Gunther's schedule has made hosting a war in April or May impossible. We will be having one in the fall however (late September to sometime in October). Until then, happy Nerfing and thanks for the continued interest.

In Topic: Puget Sound Nerf War

28 February 2010 - 12:45 AM

I know this is late, but I'm hoping this message gets to someone on the way to the war that can help. Tuna-the-fish and one friend can use a ride to the war from near the Northgate area. Hopefully someone else can swing by and help. Please send a message to Tuna if you can help with this. Thanks.