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Member Since 05 Oct 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 08 2011 05:37 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Nerf Claymore-like Mine

03 September 2010 - 10:06 AM

Hair-trigger tripline is definitely the best bet, as has been said. If you have to sit, wait, and trigger it yourself, you might as well just barrel-tap the guy yourself and reduce the risk of a misfire. While it would still be a hoot, it would eliminate a lot of the practicality.

A couple things to consider about triplines:

1) Obviously, the easier it is to trip, the better. Just remember, the line has two ends. You can build a release into both ends, so that there's less chance of it yanking someone down. This can also allow the trigger on the mine itself to be just a hair stronger, since there's another point of "failure" to provide the necessary release for safety concerns.

2) The HEIGHT of the tripline is important. Probably one of the most important things, when it come to safety. Yeah, it's easier to hide it down near the ankles, but we tend to keep ours about mid-thigh (which is tends to be at least from knee-high to waist-high for most people of differing height). This way, more of the player's mass catches the line, and it's not in and around as many "moving parts" (feet, ankles, etc). Just raising the minimum height alleviated a lot of safety concerns for us.

All this to say: There are ways to do triggers like this effectively AND safely, as long as they're designed to trip the mine, not the player.

In Topic: A Gift For The Milsim Lovers!

13 May 2010 - 06:35 AM

In order for satire to work, your audience has to be smart enough to know you're making fun of them.

In Topic: My 2010 Hiatus

14 April 2010 - 08:27 AM

Here's hoping everything turns out well, and that rest fixes it completely.

I wonder if it's E coli related--it's been known to contribute to infectious gastric pneumatosis... If it's non-infectious GP, though, it's one of those "who knows?" scenarios (though most are a result of the air they pump in while "scoping" the stomach or intestinal tract).

In Topic: Vote For The Best Peep Diorama In Fort Worth!

26 March 2010 - 07:59 AM

$150 in PEEPS?

Jesus. That's like... 9 super-balillion god-awful fuzzy marshmallows. Are you sure we're really HELPING her with this?

I mean, even if the merch includes a shirt, a hat, and some sleep shorts or something, that's still a horrendous number of those unnatural abominations of spun sugar and evil.

But yeah, voted. Best of luck.

In Topic: Nerf Claymore/trip Mine

23 March 2010 - 10:41 AM

I've often found that saying "No offense" before saying something offensive really doesn't do as much to mitigate it as you would think. But also:

The reason folks tend away from milsim really comes down to the fact that it can be very limiting--people get wrapped around rules and codes and all that rot. In short, because it is more likely to be taken too seriously by a large section of the participants.

Nerfer, you're taking your aversion to milsim far too seriously, and it's causing you to be a bit of a dick for absolutely zero reason. This guy is being helpful, sharing (not mandating) an idea and asking for feedback. That's EXACTLY what this hobby is about.

I'm sure you've personally had some kind of bad experience with milsim guys in the past. Some real class-A dickbites wearing digi-camo and carrying all-black longshots, slurping up every bit of fun they can grab. But nothing in any of Frap's posts sound anything like that.

He's not that guy. Right now, YOU're being that guy. And I don't know a damn thing about you, but I doubt you're looking to be that guy.