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Member Since 26 Aug 2009
Offline Last Active Aug 29 2017 06:58 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Nerf War Hosting

30 November 2010 - 07:32 AM

In general, you should make sure with the park administrator that it is okay to play with nerf blasters on their ground. Unless you're renting the park you usually don't have to pay, but some parks do have admission fees. Yes, any nerfer can do it.

In Topic: Barrel Tapping - A Cheap Shot?

30 November 2010 - 06:34 AM

But you see, most rules state that once you barrel tap, you must shoot your dart into the ground. If it doesn't, well the tapee is not out.

In Topic: Hell Before Halloween #4

11 October 2010 - 02:42 PM

I'm a maybe, depends on this question: How do you explain your modified nerf blasters in your trunk to border security?

I've crossed the border for two wars now, and going across is pretty simple. Sure, I get weird looks when I tell them I'm going to a Nerf War, but having a regular suction dart handy helps explain you're pretty harmless. Getting into Canada is the least of your worries, just be sure you know your stuff for typical border questions (where you're going, how long you'll be there, occasionally questions like where you're staying or how much money is available on your credit card. Stuff that is kinda-to-not relevant, but mainly for gauging if you're some evil person messing with the Canucks.)

I've never had to mention that my stuff is modified. Just tell them what you're there for, make sure everything in your trunk looks legit (as always, black-painted nerf guns are not a good idea), and you're 99% of the time on your way.

I have had things searched coming back to the states, but didn't have a problem there, either. Honesty really works wonders. Besides, if you're really admitting to doing something like a Nerf War, more than likely they aren't viewing you as the party-hard until you go to jail type. I mean, honestly, we're playing with kiddie toys as far as they're concerned...

Alright, thank you. Just checked my schedule, can't make it.

In Topic: Hell Before Halloween #4

11 October 2010 - 06:32 AM

I'm a maybe, depends on this question: How do you explain your modified nerf blasters in your trunk to border security?

In Topic: Quick Question About Big Blasts

03 September 2010 - 06:22 AM

It's also possible to create your own homemade lever trigger.

If I don't get a level trigger one I will definitely try this. Thank you!

The box should say something along the lines of "Blasts missiles 30' " if it's a lever trigger. Also my lever trigger BBBB box said 2005 on it.

Alrighty then, thanks cherrios!