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Member Since 30 Jul 2009
Offline Last Active Sep 16 2010 05:05 PM

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In Topic: Hvz Next Gun

02 September 2010 - 05:07 PM

The FireFly has long been the gun of choice for my HvZ crew.... I wouldn't choose anything over the FireFly as a primary after seeing the Raider and other magfed guns fail to fire.

Hear hear!

The FireFly always gets me odd looks when I pull it out for a round of HvZ, but I'd trust my brains to no other.
When dealing with zombies, the whole game changes. With no ranged ability to compete against, power, and to a lesser degree accuracy become unnecessary, all comes down to reliability and fast reloading.

Anything that uses streamlines is out in my book. If it can jam, it will, and usually just as you are getting bum-rushed. On that note, mid game darts become very scarce, and the ability to pick darts off the ground and use them is almost a requisite. Good luck putting a tagger or screamer into a Recon.

Perhaps a heretical suggestion, but a buzzbee berserker, may be the ultimate HvZ weapon. It adds pretty much all the benefits of the firefly, but uses 20 shots instead of 8. Could also contain a shotgun center blast, or a singled long range harassment shot.

Edit: Minor Necro ~1 week, but I've not heard anyone bring up the point about the Berserker being a valid blaster.

In Topic: Nerf Stampede - Reviews & Internals Guide

05 August 2010 - 05:27 PM

From a (mild) bit of past experience doing a gear replacement on the gearbox wouldn't be entirely out of the question. I'm seeing four main things that would need to be done.

1.) The plastic rack and pinion that are sticking out look reasonably sturdy, perhaps a thin strip of steel or aluminum along the non-toothed side to keep them from flexing and disengaging.

2.)Unscrew/cut/remove the motor assembly. It will most likely have a small 15-20 tooth nylon gear that can be measured and a full brass or aluminum replacement purchased online for a pittance. The other gears could be replaced in a similar fashion, but I'd suspect it is unnecessary as the motor gear is spinning the fastest and wears the most. If a new replacement gear is correctly measured and bought, it should slip back together without any trouble at all.

3.)Find a new motor online/hobby shop with a bit more oomph, can't tell from the pic, but motors usually have some identifying markings on them giving, at the very least, voltage/current ratings. Finding a comparatively more powerful one would be trivial. Not a plug, but a website like hobbyking.com would probably have everything.

4.) If the power is going to be boosted, pretty much all of the "circuitry" inside the thing can go. Keep only the external switch and what looks like a limit switch tied into the gearbox. Add a new NiCad pack and you are ready to go.

I'm thinking with the general internal mods, a full on brass breech, Increased spring pressure backed up by a beefier gearbox, this blaster would begin to live up to it's name.

Sudden thought:
If that really is a limit switch in the gearbox telling the blaster when it is kosher to fire, or rather when one full "cycle" is complete. It wouldn't be too much trouble to integrate an electrical switch selector to change from full auto to semi auto.