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Member Since 29 Oct 2006
Offline Last Active Dec 18 2009 06:43 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The Vulcan: Internals And Mods! New Mods Pg.9!

07 August 2008 - 07:17 AM

One question I have in mind is...

What function does this piece serve?

If I'm not mistaken, that's where the battery pack slides in so maybe it is there to help hold the batteries in place. Also, perhaps it does keep the gears in place when pushed up by the battery pack.

Just my two cents...

In Topic: The Longspider Shotgun

22 April 2008 - 03:18 PM

Thanks to those who gave props. Here are a few answers to questions:

-Internal Pics: I do not have internal pics and I cannot open it up due to both the internal tubing and the SMDTG being glued to both sides.

-Stefan Length: They are half the length of stock darts, whatever length that is

-Writeup: Won't be happening anytime soon because I simply don't have the time to go through and take all the necessary pictures and write out step-by-step instructions.

-Integrating Multiple SMDTGs: Only possible if you are comfortable with the tubing being outside the shell (just the four tubes was pushing it) and you would have to place the triggers in various places; not more than one will comfortably fit in the current location.

-Secondary trigger being uncomfortable: It is actually very comfortable, the hand wraps around it pretty normally but it is still easy to move the thumb to firing position.


In Topic: The Vulcan

22 February 2008 - 03:13 PM

The charging handle will likely be used the same way as other memebers have said before. You will probably pull it back and leave it back, then insert the chain just like you insert the magazine into the longshot. After closing the chamber by pushing the handle back forward, each subsequent round will it will be automatically chambered by the action operated by batteries.

Once it is time to remove the chain, it will be done the same way as removing the longshot magazine.

Also, I think the moddability of this gun will be excellent because of its size. Even if the internals cannot be modded extensively (beyond a new barrel, replacement spring, and air restrictor removal) the blaster is large enough that a plethora of integrations and external mods are possible.

It is also possible that the internals will be similar to those of the powerclip, rapid fire 20, and wildfire. In this instance, hasbro could have inserted a mechanism that inflates the bladder with a small battery run compressor and then firing is just like those I've mentioned. Again, this is just additional speculation on my part.

This baby can't come out soon enough :D

In Topic: Modification and Paintjob Pictures

28 April 2007 - 12:29 AM

This is my first post on NerfHaven so I hope y'all like it. I have modified over 30 longshots because I sell them on eBay but here is the one that I am the most proud of. It is Shotgun foregrip modified but I used PVC sliding on PVC with sheet metal pieces epoxied on. The laser sight projects a laser dot and is activated by the button on the pump, which is pretty slick.


I seem to be unable to post the actual picture so I guess the link will have to do.