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Member Since 12 Apr 2009
Offline Last Active Dec 03 2009 11:19 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Daft 09

07 August 2009 - 09:36 AM

It's the day after DAFT, and I've been recapping to my family on how awesome it was all morning. I had so much fun, and it was a great start to what I'm sure will be a larger nerfing community in Texas. Schizo did a wonderful job organizing the entire thing, and I'm really glad he took the time to. It's about time we've had a Texas war. Next time, however, we should do it sometime in the spring or fall as the heat was pretty unbearable. Other than that, I loved the location, and really enjoyed the games. The pistol rounds would have to be my favorites. So, yeah. That concludes a pretty amazing nerf war. Thanks to Schitz for hosting it. :)

In Topic: Modification and Paintjob Pictures

07 July 2009 - 04:02 PM

This was my first mod. It's a Nitefinder with PETG, new springs, and better seal. It shoots about 45-50 ft now.
Thanks to Salmon for helping me.

Posted Image

In Topic: Daft 09

03 July 2009 - 06:05 PM

I'm coming. I think I'm on the list under "salmon's friend." I can also speak for one or two more that are coming, if salmon hasn't already mentioned them.

In Topic: Nerf "dog Tags"

12 May 2009 - 09:53 AM

My school has a class where we engrave letter and/or numbers into little rectangles of aluminum. The rectangles are about 1"x2.5" and can hold up to 10 letters and/or numbers. I told Echnalaid about this over AIM and he told me to make dog tags for our clan, JAC. I have already begun the process of making these dog tags but I ahve not gotten any done today because we had a sub. I already have plans to make tags for the admins and contributors like VACC, Groove, Talio, Carbon, CS (Since I have only 10 letters, I have to shorten to CaptSlug.), FA_24, Piney, and others in my clan. I don't have any pictures but when I get some done, I will post some pictures. I can accept requests to make some but I am limited because we only get to make them for about half of this marking period. I am also limited to the colors black, gold, blue, and red. I will be selling these for a TBA price. Thanks for your time.


That makes me laugh, because Salmon had the same idea. I find it kind of silly, because the purpose of dog tags are to tell a soldier from another soldier after the died from war or whatever, right? Well, i don't think anybody's going to die nerfing. However, i do understand where you're coming from. Nerf dog tags would be pretty awesome. Heck, just the idea of them is pretty awesome. It just seems kind of redundant, if you know what i mean.

In Topic: Dartsmithing Tips Archive

26 April 2009 - 06:12 PM

Well, I'm the official dart-smith for the clan that I am in. Our clan makes stefan darts, which are the ones with the hot glue dome. When you're making the dome, you shouldn't try to shape it and make it look good. It just has to be enough to entirely cover the weight. Gravity will make the dome look good. One more thing- don't let the glue gun get too hot. If it does, the glue itself will burn through the blank, and the hole for the weight will be too big/deep. I hope this helps!