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Member Since 11 Apr 2009
Offline Last Active Jul 20 2009 12:21 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Firefly Modding

28 April 2009 - 03:59 PM

So my only two options are to either remove the glue by fluid or saw? I'd rather just leave the range the way it is, I'm pretty sure I can't find a saw that has the precision for cutting in my house. Thanks anyways guys. While we're on the topic of glue, are the air restrictors on the firefly glued in? Cause I've heard rumors, but I've never actually gotten proof.

In Topic: Magstike Help

27 April 2009 - 04:50 PM

I don't think that modding a magstrike helps the guns' durability. It'd be better to just use it the way it is. My friend modded his and ended up breaking it (not sure how). Mine broke after the firing mech cracked and fell off; may as well enjoy it while it works.