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Member Since 19 Sep 2006
Offline Last Active Dec 18 2006 01:46 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Mech Tommy 20 Air Zone Blaster By Buzz Bee Toys

18 December 2006 - 01:46 AM

I just got a tommy 20 as an early xmas gift & it has left me speachless... the thing seems to never run out of ammo! It can shoot 35 ft. with no real angle with a spread like a trash can lid (mostly because the gun moves slightly w every rotaton of the turret). This thing is totally awsome for indoor wars witch is what I do most. All the people that say its bad are exaderating. The motors are sooo quiet! The mech 6 is twice as loud. It has a few draw backs like load time an 1 or 2 darts may tumble but they will still go 20 ft with the accuracy or the other darts. I would definatly recomend this thing even if you don't think its practicle it's so fun to shoot I can't wait to light up my friends with it tommorow.

P.S. when you do eventually run out of ammo you can keep pulling the trigger with the same effect of the chain blazer to keep people hiding from your fire while you grab some ammo.

In Topic: Mech Tommy 20 Air Zone Blaster By Buzz Bee Toys

24 September 2006 - 10:52 AM

If you really want to see if the tommy 20 is good go buy a mech six its like a 6 shot version of the tommy 20. I like my mech for the fast easy reload but it jams up every once in a while & it can eat the cups off your darts & wont even fire stefans. One cool thing is if you load one tagger dart at a time they shoot really well.

In Topic: Dartsmithing Tips Archive

24 September 2006 - 10:42 AM

I make my stefans using a combo of all my favorite tecniques. It allows my lazy self to make easy & effetice darts. I straighten 3ft sections with a blow dryer then cut 2.5in darts. I make the dent in the front with my glue gun fill, the hole with glue, then put a thumb tack in (the ones with the plastic or rubber coating). Then cover the exposed flat head of the tack in glue & wedge the dart in the mouth of a soda can. Gravity makes the glue set in awsome domes & the soda can is a perfect holder. My low temp glue it dry by the time I finish my 1st dart. After i make 10 darts or so I drill out the center with a bendy straw (drilling with the short part till I get to the bend). I really like these darts they really work well for me my unmodded maverick can shoot them 60ft slightly angled (no wind). This is my 1st post I hope this info will help some people with making their darts.