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Member Since 01 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Mar 07 2010 05:49 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: What Are We Allowed To Post?

25 August 2009 - 11:30 PM

It's probably for the best though. Those who know how to post interesting shit in off topic should do so. Unicycles however are not interesting and I think I speak for a majority of members. District 9 however is something that most of us probably enjoy. So is xbox. And with Xbox we can get together and play together. That's good. But not Unicycles or Magic Cards. Those things are boring to everyone except the few who do it.

I think that we should decide whats boring and what isnt. If a thread isnt really being replied to, then by all means close it. But if people are replying at a relatively steady rate, and not just two or three people, then it should be allowed to stand a little longer.

In Topic: Anyone On Nerfhaven Unicycle?

22 August 2009 - 11:23 PM

Oh, and if i didnt say it before, i ride trials

In Topic: Anyone On Nerfhaven Unicycle?

22 August 2009 - 11:22 PM

I didn't know they had mountain unicycles

They do. The wheels are huge, some are 36 inches. and if u need any tips on riding daniel, im here to help.

In Topic: Look What I Found.

17 August 2009 - 10:37 PM

They're now $19.99 at Target, and in stock at the one I can walk to. At least so far, I haven't seen a way to get more of the special shells, so I'm starting to consider picking up another just for the belt. And to compare with. Maybe I somehow got the opposite of "a lemon" because totally stock with its own darts, mine very consistently shoots 35' to 39' flat, and hits the ground within about a foot on either side of the tape measure, too.
That tears it, I'll have to go out and get one.....After i get money, of course

Sorry for the quote mess up, i just tried to get what i wanted to quote, still having some problems with that

In Topic: "2009 Dew Tour"

18 July 2009 - 04:23 PM

The whole whistle blowing and telling you "You're out." takes away from the whole scrimmage idea for me. I wouldn't like some guy in a striped shirt yelling at me and blowing the whistle every time I was hit.

I think that that might actually help the game. With all the complaints about goobers, im surprised that that is a complaint. A referee i think would help prevent the cheating aspect. It might be a tad irritating, but i think that the fact the game might be a little more fair would make up for it