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Member Since 29 Aug 2006
Offline Last Active Oct 11 2006 10:19 PM

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My Cosmetic Longshot Mod

29 September 2006 - 12:26 AM

I really like the longshot. I wish I worked for Nerf to design these awesome guns. I will probably get over it when I buy an AR-15 but untill then I am having fun.

When you open the box for the longshot and put it all together you say "Wow, this this is freakin huge, It has to shoot far". You are then sadly disapointed. I was a little worried about messing with the innards but I cracked it open and modified it anyway. The barrel was crap and had some kind of fake rifling that did not really do anything so I chopped a piece of pvc and replaced it. The inner wall is smaller than the old barrel and the darts slide through it better.
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Everyone takes off the big silly extension and either throws it away or keeps it just to look cool. I took it apart, sawed it in half and made a handguard out of it. Here is what I ended up with.

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Now the glue looks kinda sloppy but It will be fine when I paint it all black and silver.

In a couple days I am going to drill out the front under the barrel and attach a laser pointer. Fun stuff.

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Sorry about the huge pictures, My host would not let me link thumbnails for some reason.