An Orange County nerf war on Sunday 8/9 from 2-5pm at Edgar Park, Garden Grove, CA 92845. Many game types will be played.
Banned blasters
Singled Titans
Homemade air guns
What to bring
Darts (bring plenty)
Guns (legal see above)
Post or PM if you can come.
- NerfHaven
- → Viewing Profile: Topics: teleportingasiankid
Member Since 23 Feb 2009Offline Last Active Oct 05 2011 11:18 PM
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Oc War
02 August 2009 - 08:29 PM
Mission Imbroglio: The Sortie At San Doval
05 May 2009 - 06:18 PM
This is pretty short notice but I was clicking around and saw that people were asking about my was which was posted elsewhere. SOCAL WAR!!! Well I’m going to host a war on May 9 at 10:00ish til 5ish and if I get enough people we will play night infection or night elimination til about 8 or 9.
San Doval Lane, Mission Viejo, California
There is a school next to it but we will be at the park.
Banned Blaster
Singled titans
Any plugged air guns
Any question able guns will be judged at the war (if you know it gets over 140 don’t bring it)
No homemade "air powered" guns.
What to bring
Lunch or money for pizza or something we will have a break
Ammo is mandatory b.y.o.a (make sure the tip is completely covered with hot gule or felt or such)
Eye protection!!!
Good night sleep
Your guns!!!(Unless you are using your friends)
WATER I can’t say this enough you need a lot
Money people like to sell things
Melee weapons are ok the must be foam padded!
We will be playing team elimination, wingman (teams of 2) infection, ctf, Attack and defend (idk), Medic, Protect the president and anything else. If you can show up or maybe comment and ill add you to the list.
Teleportingasiankid +7 - 10
InvAsian +1
San Doval Lane, Mission Viejo, California
There is a school next to it but we will be at the park.
Banned Blaster
Singled titans
Any plugged air guns
Any question able guns will be judged at the war (if you know it gets over 140 don’t bring it)
No homemade "air powered" guns.
What to bring
Lunch or money for pizza or something we will have a break
Ammo is mandatory b.y.o.a (make sure the tip is completely covered with hot gule or felt or such)
Eye protection!!!
Good night sleep
Your guns!!!(Unless you are using your friends)
WATER I can’t say this enough you need a lot
Money people like to sell things
Melee weapons are ok the must be foam padded!
We will be playing team elimination, wingman (teams of 2) infection, ctf, Attack and defend (idk), Medic, Protect the president and anything else. If you can show up or maybe comment and ill add you to the list.
Teleportingasiankid +7 - 10
InvAsian +1
- NerfHaven
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