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Seven7h Man

Member Since 02 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active May 27 2016 01:45 PM

Topics I've Started

Nj War - Looking To See Who's Interested

21 March 2011 - 03:53 PM

I am hoping to get a war going sometime around late April, early May. The problem is I'm not certain
about the amount of NJ, PA, NY nerfers that would
be willing to attend. The location of choice would most likely be Schooley's Mountain Park in Long Valley.
This is subject to change.


Please post in this thread if you are;

Willing to attend or are interested a New Jersey war

Between the times of late April to early May (subject to change)

At Schooley's mountain Park (also subject to change).

General park info

Google maps - Location

I can say personally, it is a very nice park. It is very large, there are many different feilds and good locations, also a good staging area at the top of the hill. I can have pictures up by the weekend upon request.

Am I The Only One Having This Problem?

27 June 2010 - 08:15 PM

Posted Image

It's not the zoom in my browser so did someone change the layout or something?

Question Awnsered

11 October 2009 - 07:11 PM

Question awnsered

+bow Help

25 May 2009 - 08:04 PM

I hate to post a help thread but here it goes. I just finished my first +bow, to the best of Slug's instructions, and i'm experiencing some difficulties with the prformance of the gun. The first thing is that the gun is a BITCH to prime. My Dad, let alone me, can berly cock it. The second thing is that in the evnt I am able to get it to the 3rd notch, the speed of the plunger is nothing copared to Slug's videos and ice's videos. In an atempt to fix it, I removed the plunger tube and lubed it with some more silicon liquid wrench. I reasembled the gun and to my suprise there was very minamal improvement. I did this about twice more, using liberal amounts each time, still with same mediocre preformance. I am compleatly puzzled about what to do, I can get a test fireing vid up by tomarrow night if requested. Any help at all would be greatly apreciated. Thanks.

Little Yellow Men Painted On The Streets

23 April 2009 - 02:48 PM

Through out the course of 2 years I have seen three of these in major cities on the east coast, one in new york, one in D.C. infront of the smithsonian institute, and and one in historical philidelpia on market street. I have googled for this and cant figure out what they are. So i turned to the you guys, if any one has seen these or know what they are, please say so.
Posted Image
Here's one I found in NYC