Will I have to cut the brass into the right size, or do most hobby shops have the brass in different lengths alread? Also, how long do I need the brass to be for most barrel mods?
My friend that was gonna buy airsoft can't because the store will only sell to 21+ and his parents won't buy it for him. I think I can get the brass easily, and the foam backer shouldn't be too hard.
Oh, I'm 14, but I look like I could be 11 (yes I am that small). My friend that I think will be most into this is in England right now, so I am going to wait until he comes back and see if he wants to do it with me. If I get him I'll start looking for more ppl.
I live in Marin County, a little north of San Fransico (I think, I really could be wrong). I think the San Jose one might be close enough for me to go to. Ummm, another thing...how old are you guys? Before I embarress (lol I spell real good) myself, I just want to say I think I might be a bit younger and smaller than you.