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Member Since 26 May 2006
Offline Last Active Nov 17 2006 06:57 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Longshot "shotgun" Foregrip

07 September 2006 - 07:08 AM

That looks sweet mate, nice job. Dont really like the paint job but thats just my prefrence, hope you dont get shot so i can continue to look at your fantastic work.


In Topic: Steve Irwin Died!

06 September 2006 - 06:09 AM

It good to see that he was loved from all over the world.
It is strange that he gets killed by a stingray and not a croc or snake.

He will be greatly missed.
RIP Steave Irwin


In Topic: My Latest Homemade: Nat

08 June 2006 - 03:28 AM

Thats not a bad gun at all. It seem hard to weild with the breech all the way up there. not bad ranges. It'll be good to see the mag put on it.

In Topic: Dual Or Not?

08 June 2006 - 03:19 AM

What i do when i dual weild (loosly speaking) is shoot with my worse hand first to and then while the other person is running/ducking/blinking i finish him/her with my 2nd shot, or if useing 2 SF i can take on multiple people while still being a threat and get into a better postion to finsih them off.