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Member Since 20 May 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 17 2011 05:26 PM

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Ladies And Gentlemen...the Fart Dart

21 November 2010 - 09:54 PM

Spent some time at the local Goodwill recently, and was rewarded with this:

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At first glance, it looks like someone murdered/gutted a Playdough person, molded their lower digestive tract into a weapon-shaped mass, and tried to power it with a nuclear reactor. At second, third, and sixteenth glance...yeah, it still looks like that.

Here's a size comparison with a NF:

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Best part about it? The reactor is a speaker. The gun takes batteries. This Crayola-inspired mass of plastic entrails literally blows fart noises at you not only as you shoot it, but as you pump it, too. It's freakin' spectacular.

Behold, the one piece of info/video I could find about it:


As the gun was DOA when I bought it, I operated immediately after arriving at home, in the hopes that it could be saved. Opening it up, I quickly found the reason it wasn't working in-store:

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Diagnosis: That is one rather messed-up set of internals. Fiddled with it for about 15 minutes, and managed to get everything back into the correct spaces...

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...and what emerges is one of the most confusing examples of weapons-priming technology that I've ever seen. As far as I can tell, instead of filling an air tank, pumping the orange intestinal handle ratchets the plunger rod back until it impacts the rear wall of the purple liver/spleen (~5 pumps), and pulling the trigger slips the teeth off the rod so it can travel back down the tube via spring power. Good luck doing a spring improvement mod here, all those thin interlocking plastic pieces would snap like twigs.

In comparison to a NF, the plunger tube is just slightly narrower, but quite a bit longer:

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Really a shame about the fragile internals, the stock spring doesn't seem like much of anything really.

Unfortunately, I can't tell for sure how powerful the spring actually is, or even give any sort of stock ranges, 'cause the gun's still not working - all the internals are set up correctly, the rod ratchets back as it should, but when it releases, the plunger just...dies, dart still in the barrel. It's almost like the plunger head creates a too-perfect seal that stops it from traveling down the tube at any great speed - possibly due to the air restrictor, which is a massive beefy beast of a thing, by the way. Puts the other Nerf ones I've seen to shame:

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Thinking of picking up some White Lithium grease or something and really lubing it up, see if that makes any difference in power. Failing that, a different spring might just be needed. Don't want to rip out the AR just yet, mostly 'cause I'm curious what the stock ranges would be with this size plunger tube, but if nothing else works, it'll have to go.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the Fart Dart. Thoughts? Impressions? Anyone have one of these before, and maybe suffered the same problem?

Need Some Clip Blaster 10 Advice

09 October 2010 - 11:09 PM

Was browsing the Mod Directory the other day and realized there aren't any mods for the Buzz Bee Clip Blaster 10, so I figured I'd tinker a bit with mine and see if anything would come of it.

Pulled out the AR with pliers and Dremeled it down to a hole, then decided to do a CPVC barrel-replacement and just shaved the original "barrel" off where it meets the plunger and Dremeled out the plunger front until a ~2" piece of 0.5" CPVC could squeeze inside, back end level with the plunger head and front end level with the trailing edge of the magazine (which I Dremeled out to accommodate the slightly-longer streamlines). Sharpened the leading edge of the CPVC, just like the original barrel, and cut a notch at the top to help in dart separation.

Original Barrel:

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CPVC Barrel:

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After all this, I'm still getting flat ranges in the low 30's, almost the same as having ARs in and original barrel materials - it'll load standards and streamlines equally well, but just kinda pop them out the end, no real oomph. I know it should do better, 'cause I originally had a 6-inch barrel attached to test the material's suitability, and it practically put a streamline through the wall (which makes singling it very tempting, but I want to try and keep the magazine function, if at all feasible).

Any advice? If you need a picture of the whole gun, check out this thread: Clip Blaster Internals

Ratchetblast Assistance?

04 February 2010 - 04:54 AM

So I got a Ratchetblast in the mail today. Whoopaa! Grabbed some Megas I had lying around to test it...and nothing - the darts didn't even leave the barrel.

I tried all 4 barrels, no dice - the gun cocks, and the spring holds, but when the trigger is pulled, it's like the plunger rubs against the inside of the plunger tube with a screeching sound on the way down, totally robbing it of power.

Not content to simply stare at it until it started working, I popped the sucker apart, only to find this:

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(Link in case image doesn't show: http://tinypic.com/v...pic=2hs9lhl&s=6 )

There's a bluish, dusty substance around the plunger head, and some even on the spring (not sure that's important or not). Then I took a look at the plunger tube:

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(Link in case image doesn't show: http://tinypic.com/v...pic=2eforhg&s=6 )

Yup, more blue bits at the end of the tube.

At this point, I'm stumped - is this normal? Is this fixable? Do I just have to lube the ever-loving heck out of it, or start scouring eBay and the local dump for a replacement Ratchetblast plunger?

Any and all help is appreciated!


29 January 2010 - 10:37 PM

Was cruising the toy section of the local Fred Meyer and came across this:

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(In case picture doesn't show, here's a link: http://tinypic.com/v...pic=2w4h175&s=6 )

It's basically the size of a SSPB, with a manually-rotated 3-dart barrel and pull-back-spring-power instead of a pump. And at $3, it's slightly cheaper.

Curious if anyone else has seen one of these, maybe bought/played with one? I wanted to pick it up but the line at the counter was HUGE, couldn't afford the time. Will try again this weekend if no one's seen it before.

Is This A Mono Blast?

01 December 2009 - 11:05 PM

OK, so around 4 or 5 years ago I won the blaster below as a ticket prize at the Family Fun Center near where I live:

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(For some reason the picture's not showing up, here's a link: http://i50.tinypic.com/2s153xc.jpg )

Just recently, I came across a picture of a Nerf blaster called a Mono Blast:

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The two are eerily similar - in fact, besides the "999" sticker on mine where the "Nerf" sticker is on the Nerf gun, I can't really tell the difference! Could anyone who owns a Mono Blast do a quick check on their gun and see if there are any other distinguishing marks on it, besides the sticker? Be cool if it turned out to be extra Nerf stock re-branded or something.