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Member Since 22 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 13 2009 03:32 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: 2sided Rail Slider

02 February 2009 - 07:37 PM

I really couldn't tell what the fuck was happening, it was all a blur and unfocused. I think I saw a Crossfire slider in there, but I have no fucking clue what was going on, and after your first video, I didn't even bother to watch the second one.

Frist of all im useing my web cam to post videos, and also the other one with sound should be in focus

In Topic: 2sided Rail Slider

01 February 2009 - 09:51 PM

Why no sound?

Turn your speakers up to their maximum, and plug in headphones. numbnerfer96, please turn up your recording level next time you make a video.

ok I fixed one up with sound but for some reason its not processing fast at all if its not up in a few days ill make a new one ok untill then try to deal with the one with no sound please

"He just kept on talking and talking in one, long, incredibly unbroken sentence, moving from topic to topic so that nobody could interrupt him."
-Captain Jean Luc Picard, USS Enterprise

Punctuation is part of grammar, please?

Im sorry about how I typed in it I just sprung up with a rush of I dont know of what, but realy im sorry for the run on sentance

In Topic: 2sided Rail Slider

01 February 2009 - 09:28 PM

Why no sound?

Turn your speakers up to their maximum, and plug in headphones. numbnerfer96, please turn up your recording level next time you make a video.

ok I fixed one up with sound but for some reason its not processing fast at all if its not up in a few days ill make a new one ok untill then try to deal with the one with no sound please

In Topic: 2 Super Clips

28 January 2009 - 07:43 AM

This guy made a video of something like that. link

Thank you for the link but what he made would get in the way when your trying to fix a jam or when trying to shoot.

In Topic: 2 Super Clips

27 January 2009 - 07:55 PM

Well my brithday is coming up realy soon like in a week so im going to get alot more guns,clips, and ammo but i will only atempt this once because of money and stuff