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Member Since 20 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active Aug 02 2012 09:35 PM

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In Topic: Modifying A Longshot?

05 July 2009 - 04:04 PM

i've modded my longshot a long time ago... only did the basic AR removal (the gehtto way if you must know, a hammer and a metal center punch-thingy). i have recently opened up my LS again, because i have moved stateside (i was in england) and it will be easier for me to get parts. while i was opening the spring thingy (dunno what you call it) its on the back of the dart thing that has the spring in it. when i opened it, and finally put it back, i notised (after screwing it back in) that it looked really fragile, like it may haved screwed it in too tight, and like if i added a new spring that it would snap off :( ........ could anyone tell me if it would, or if i could somehow streghten it.... i will try to get some pic's if i can.
sorry for all the spelling mistakes lol