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Member Since 08 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 05 2009 05:30 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Recon Seal?

31 March 2009 - 06:32 PM

Try electrical tape. That's always worked for me.

In Topic: Longshot Stock Mod

27 March 2009 - 12:00 AM

PVC is cheaper than dirt. Get your hands on some. The faux barrel from the LSFG can be used for much greater things.

No but seriously, I just bought a bag of topsoil for 7 dollars.

Ten feet of PVC $2.50

it is cheaper than dirt.

I use LSFG barrels for sights on my guns, saw it up and glue it on.

In Topic: Your Worst Nerf Related Injury

26 March 2009 - 11:16 PM

War - Last year at a huge Goucher CTF game I was sprinting backwards and the moment I ran out of ammo and decided to turn around I stepped into an equestrian obstacle (we play on an old equestrian field). The obstacle is basically a two foot deep ditch, shored up with 4x4's. I stepped down into it, slammed my toes and shin against the wood, then whiplashed my face into the ground, successfully knocking the wind out of me. After rolling over moaning, my friend shot me, stating, "shoot first, ask later"

Result of that, a deep, wide scar on my shin, and three toenails fell off.

Modding, grinding a maverick shell down in my boxers, the shell splintered giving me scratches all over my chest and thighs, but worst of all it sent a molten piece of plastic into my eye, under my safety glasses. My eye teared as if I was bawling for the next week.

In Topic: What The Fuck...

28 February 2009 - 11:16 PM

Tantum's got it right, it happened to me once. Even if your spring is the right diameter, it could shift a little off the back of the plunger tube and scrape the inside sides of the plunger tube. Either replace the tube or just buy another nitefinder.

In Topic: Dart Questions

24 February 2009 - 11:17 PM

I have found that you need a heavier dart for high power guns while a lighter one for lower power.

A BBBB can take a 3/0 fishing weight stefan and fling it 100 feet accurately, but it can fling a 2 BB'd stefan 130 feet sloppy and curvy.

So more weight makes accuracy, while less weight makes distance.

Through extensive work with BB's I like to use 2 BB's for all springers, and 3 BB's for all air guns. it seems to work well for me.