SWEET! nice pic. The domes look small arena to play nerf in. I see tents in the background, what is in them??I did indeed make it to day 2! The Nerf folks were nice enough to let me actually step inside the dome as non-combatant and take footage. I also wore the action cam, and I'm pulling the files now. One of the files I'm trying to save, but another one did indeed make it off the camera. Lesson learned: I need to place the camera on my shoulder, as the head placement was a little too high at times. Anyway, more later!
I took some closer shots of the fury fire, and once my camera's charged again I'll get those posted. Write up and all that good stuff to follow. I normally do updates every thursday, but be sure I'm going to knock this stuff out sooner than that.
here's a photo in the meantime. Yes, that IS the flag. And from what I saw, they're built for abuse.
Member Since 27 Nov 2008Offline Last Active Nov 30 2009 07:05 PM