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Member Since 19 Mar 2006
Offline Last Active May 13 2012 03:54 PM

Topics I've Started

Nerf Gun Grenade Launcher

09 August 2006 - 06:11 PM

What if you had pvc to fit a nerf ball (ammo type),put it on a homemade trigger and plunger assembly and shot balls out of it? It might not be that accurate, but in wars where balls are grenades, it might be useful.

Rifled Barrels

09 August 2006 - 02:35 PM

Anyone thought about rifling a barrel on a homemade nerf gun, or is it to out of the box to think about?

New Stefans

08 June 2006 - 04:35 PM

Just an idea, but what if someone put little spring loaded wings into the sides of a stefan? You would fold them in, load the dart, and when you fired it, the wings would pop out and cause the dart to glide. Theoretically, it would get better ranges.

Design Of Meh New Homemade!

06 June 2006 - 04:54 PM


How do you like it?

Trigger System

05 June 2006 - 06:32 AM

Im thinking of trying to make a homemade pistol, and I dont know what type of trigger to use. I originally wanted to use a modified BS-4 system, but now that isn't looking so good... :rolleyes:
