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Member Since 23 Nov 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 03 2021 03:44 AM

Topics I've Started

Longshot Issues

14 May 2011 - 06:33 PM

Alright, first, a disclaimer: I've made a topic about this before, but I couldn't find it again, and I don't feel like the first one produced any real results.

I've put Angel Breaches on several longshots now, and all of them have had this problem: the little orange nub that attaches to the brass breach always breaks off. I've tried a variety of adhesives: Fishin' Glue, other cyanoacrylate super glues, plumber's goop, and JB Weld. So far, the JB Weld seems to have worked the best - my longshot has yet to break with it. However, I did the same thing for my friend's longshot, and it didn't last more than a week or two. The fishin' glue, which I specially ordered for this purpose, broke as I was reattaching the nub to the bolt sled, before I even managed to prime it. Using more of the bolt to attach the new breach has also not helped.

Thus, my question is this: what am I missing? Is there some technique that I need to prevent the bond from breaking? Some ridiculously strong glue that can stand up to the forces put on that tiny nub? Any help would be appreciated.

A Few Raider Questions/issues

20 February 2010 - 02:20 PM

The other day, when I tried to use my Raider, I discovered that the pump was stuck in the forward position, rendering the entire gun rather useless. I opened it up, trying to find the issue. I discovered that when I take the other half of the shell off (the half that the clip sits in), it works fine. Messing with the parts on this half of the shell led me to believe that this piece is the problem, since if I press on it in a certain way, it gets stuck and doesn't sink as far as it should (the piece is the one circled in red):
Posted Image

My question is this: What does this piece do, anyway? I'd like to remove it, but I have no idea what it does or whether or not my gun will work without it.

I also have a few unrelated questions. First, what does the piece circled in green do? Second, could anyone post a picture of the spring that goes with this piece?
Posted Image

I seem to have misplaced mine.

Edit: Fixed the pictures.

Longshot Catch Issues

15 September 2009 - 09:08 PM

So, about a year ago, I angel breached my longshot and added a BBB spring, and it was good. I had almost no problems at all with it misfiring after I added a couple additional springs to the catch. Then, I went to a war, and by the end it had gotten noticeably weaker, to the point where I had to pull the handle back quickly to get it to prime. Now it doesn't work at all. When I pull the handle back, I think I can feel the catch engaging on the plunger rod, but it won't stay cocked. My first thought was that the springs could be slipping to the sides of the shell and not properly compressing, so I added a piece of plastic and a piece of metal to either side of where the springs are located in the shell so that they couldn't slip. This is what fixed the problem on my friend's LS, but no such luck for me. Thus, I have three questions:
1. Has this happened to anyone else?
2. Is there any way I can fix this?
3. If not, would anyone sell me a new catch? PM me if it becomes clear that it's not fixable.
A few pictures:
In the LS
Other side

Streamlines + 9/16 Brass Breach

16 April 2009 - 05:32 PM

It seems like whenever I try to fire streamlines out of any of my guns that have a 9/16 brass breach, they fail miserably about 50% of the time. I've tested this in both my BBB and my LS - some of the darts just fail, while others work great (basically none of them work in the BBB, but I expected that: I think there's a dent in the middle). I have the same issues when I cut them down to the size of a stefan and put a BB inside the head of the dart. Sometimes they spin like crazy and go 20', sometimes they just fall out of the gun 3' in front of me, and sometimes they get comparable ranges to when I fire stefans (which work great in both). Has anyone else had this problem?

Another Longshot Issue

05 February 2009 - 09:02 PM

Having finally finished my longshot modification, including an Angel Breach, I decided to test it out, and found, to my dismay, that it was having some issues with jamming. As far as I can tell, when the breach is opened, the dart is pulled backward by friction with the brass, and ends up not being pushed up far enough to feed into the breach. Does anyone know what my problem is? I can post pictures if necessary. I saw this topic, but I'd prefer to not modify my clips to fix this. Besides, it seems like that it wouldn't fix my problems, since the plastic rods don't (and can't) extend all the way to the top.