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Member Since 12 Mar 2006
Offline Last Active May 25 2010 10:12 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The Maverick Complaint Box

19 March 2006 - 04:40 PM

thanks a lot for the help. Sorry about not following the code of conduct, it won't happen again.

In Topic: Illinois Nerf Wars

19 March 2006 - 04:38 PM


In Topic: The Maverick Complaint Box

19 March 2006 - 01:26 AM

Does every maverick problem post get flamed this much or am I just special like that? I didnt double post to up my post count, I couldn't care less how many posts I have on this forum. I saw a lot of posts about breaking mavericks so I figured I'd try to reduce the amount of topics on it by making one to encompass all of them.

I never expected to be flamed this much just for being new to nerf gun modding and for trying to help reduce the amount of topics on a common problem.

I really loved the advice Crappy Nerfer gave me about modding my gun, do it the right way not the wrong way. Also apperantly posting problems is now complaining about breaking my toy because I'm mentally handicapped.

Christ. if you want to mod something,use common sense. label,check,and map out every corner of the gun as you take it apart. every-single-part-that-can-be-removed-without-effort. If it takes effort to remove,don't remove it.

I never took anything apart that didnt come apart fairly easily. It's not like I took a hammer to the damn gun I just disassembled it according to the guide I was using and reassembled it just as I was supposed to. To my knowlege I followed the guide flawlessly but something went wrong. I just came here to see if anyone could steer me in the right direction but instead all I got was flaming. Thanks a lot.

In Topic: The Maverick Complaint Box

14 March 2006 - 10:12 PM

well the new one I have now works, its just really weak. I left on the orange rings but did not glue them on or anything like that. It fired just fine before and I assume that my problem was caused when I took it apart. Im thinking that some of the seals arent as strong as they could be. I just set the orange rings back onto the barrels, snapped on the barrel and screwed it in. Where'd I go wrong?

The write up by Baghead never mentions putting back on the orange rings. That write up should be edited asap, who knows how many other people followed it only to have their maverick destroyed. The purpose of saying this isnt to discredit or insult baghead in any way, without his guide I'd have had no idea how to modify the maverick at all. It's just that some people will likely make the mistake I did, with bad results.

Sorry bout the double post, I thought that it would be more appropriate if I had the header then went into my own personal problems. It won't happen again. :D

In Topic: The Maverick Complaint Box

14 March 2006 - 09:15 PM

Well both myself and my freind have had trouble modding our mavericks.

I followed the guide and took the barrel apart, removed all the loose orange pieces and springs etc. and hot glued around the edges of the barrel. I closed it up, let it dry for a while and tested out the gun. It cocked just fine, the barrel rotated fine and it even made the usual *pop* when I shot with it... the only problem was that the dart didnt come out.

My freind modded his in a similar fashion, though he left the orange rings on. His barrel wouldnt rotate like it should. Oh well back to Toys r' Us it went.

I recently painted my new maverick and reassembled it (modded, but with the orange rings still intact, just cut). It shoots, which is better than my last mod. The only thing is that it's about as wimpy as it gets. I assume this is a problem with the seal being too loose in a few places.