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Member Since 09 Nov 2008
Offline Last Active Jun 19 2011 09:09 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Airtech 2000 Help

28 November 2010 - 05:09 PM

You may need a new pump sounds like a check valve problem.

In Topic: Need Some Clip Blaster 10 Advice

10 October 2010 - 12:26 PM

First off this was not shooting through the wall unless it is made out of tissue paper. Secondly streamlines are a little to long for the clip that might be your problem.

I assume that by "practically put a streamline through a wall" he means that it made a very loud noise when it hit the wall. On the streamline note, yes.

I know but when I singled mine it would not go through paper with stefans let alone streamlines.

In Topic: Need Some Clip Blaster 10 Advice

10 October 2010 - 08:07 AM

First off this was not shooting through the wall unless it is made out of tissue paper. Secondly streamlines are a little to long for the clip that might be your problem.

In Topic: Ultimate Raider

26 September 2010 - 09:54 AM

That will increase the ranges but it will not get longshot ranges.

True, because of the reversed plunger but, I prefer 35 shots at 80 feet than 6 shots at 100

If you put a drum in the longshot you would be getting 35 shots at 100 feet

Plus I doubt that you could even get 80 with just that breech.

In Topic: Ultimate Raider

26 September 2010 - 09:13 AM

That will increase the ranges but it will not get longshot ranges.