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Member Since 12 Sep 2008
Offline Last Active Sep 10 2009 07:01 AM

Topics I've Started

I'm Looking For...

15 January 2009 - 07:29 PM

A couple items that I'm planning on using on a project of mine. Does anybody know where I can get them?

I'm looking for a simple battery operated motor, Preferably a rotary action motor. With a decent deal of power behind it.

And a old style film canister. Or something similar.

I'd like something cheap but as long as it gets the job done, I could deal with price.

A Couple Of Gun Repairs

06 January 2009 - 09:29 PM

Alright, I have a doubleshot and a Secret Shot 2 that are both broken and I need a bit of help with repairs. The doubleshot is a friend's and I'm worried about fixing, the Secret Shot I'm not too worried about, but I'd like to get it fixed anyway.

The problems...

A friend of mine likes doubleshots, we play indoors and during our last war one of the barrels stopped working. The other one acts like it has seen an increase in power, and the other one doesn't even dry fire. No release in air, at all. Any idea what is wrong? I didn't want to open it up without some idea how to fix it or replace the broken parts. It isn't mine, so I don't want to completely kill it.

The Secret Shot 2 doesn't really have anything wrong with it but a seal leak. I'm not experienced with things like that, so I couldn't fix it. Any Ideas?