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Member Since 01 Sep 2008
Offline Last Active Oct 29 2009 10:51 PM

Topics I've Started

Lancer Tutorial

05 December 2008 - 11:44 PM

Its a Longshot with a barrel change, a paint job, and an attached cardboard chainsaw. Yes, its awesome.

Posted Image
The Gun itself is from the Video game Gears of War, you essenially saw bad guys apart in between shooting. Its very practical during a nerf war because of the barrel mod, even tough its akward to have a bloody looking piece o' cardboard
on a longshot.


Longshot [duh]

Chrome/silver paint

Chaos Black paint

Blood Red Paint


medium sized wad of clay

large piece of cardboard

Two small rings of PVC

Glue [prefferably Tacky]


Step 1. stensil out the shape of the chainsaw. make it however you like but just make sure it can be glued to the front and undercarriage of the gun. You dont have to remove the bipod because it looks weird with out it.

Step 2. Remove the gun's shoulder stock.

Step 3. Cut out [remember teeth on the chainsaw] and apply generous amounts of glue to where it connects with the gun.

Step 4. Using the Hacksaw remove the rail on top of the gun. You might want to use something to sandwich it between to
stabilize your cut.

Step. 5 Apply a thin base coat of chaos black to the frame of the gun and let sit for a while. After that put on a scattered layer of chrome. Quickly wipe away w/ paper towels some of the paint so it has a varnished gunmetal finish. Lightly go over the words on the gun with the silver and it'll look really cool :mellow:

Step 6. Paint the cardboard chainsaw Black and let it sit to dry. Use the Red paint to make it look like blood splatters. You might also want to carry a bit of red up to the gun so it looks like the blood spattered.

Step 7. Unscrew the front part of the gun and remove the barrel and the stopper. Unscrew the Front gun and remove it's barrel and place it in the Main gun. Use the clay to surround the barrel and stop it from sliding out of the gun. Glue the Rings of PVC onto the Front and the second nubbin where the rail used to be

U should let the gun sit over night and dry. When you wake up you'll have a shiny new LANCER!!