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1000 Zombies

Member Since 10 Aug 2008
Offline Last Active Dec 09 2008 08:20 PM

Topics I've Started

"stix" Commercial

19 September 2008 - 03:53 PM

So the other day, I discovered something on the TV. It was a commercial for a game system that used a remote and motion sensors. So I thought "Cool! The Wii!" and I turned the volume up only to find that this was almost an identical copy! White remote, button on the back (the B button, on the real Wiimote), motion sensing... Now, I've only seen this commercial once, so I may be judging it too quickly, but does anybody know if that's like, illegal or something?


Longshot Springs

24 August 2008 - 02:49 PM

A few weeks ago, my Longshot's sled broke after I put a BBB spring in it. I came here to look for ways to fix it, and found something about how the dart tooth being put in wrong makes the sled break. Now I'm hesitant about putting the BBB spring in my new Longshot.
So my question is; Would a BBB+LS spring combo make the sled break? Or did I just put the darth tooth in wrong? Thanks in advance.
