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Member Since 04 Aug 2008
Offline Last Active Oct 21 2008 03:08 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: I'm Selling My Guns

08 October 2008 - 03:48 PM

Since he's your friend, no more than 45. It also depends on how into nerf he is and if he mods. It really comes down to what its worth to the buyer. I don't recommend selling to friends though, because you always have to give them really good deals. I will always regret selling my Wii and a bunch of controllers to a friend for 200 bucks, back when it was really hard to find them.

Well, he doesn't mod but a 3k singled sounds good to him with a stock 3k, smdtg, mav shell, and the buzzbee shells sounds good at $40 or i could split the guns between a bunch of friends for more. Which do you think is a safer way to go.

In Topic: Airtech 4000

03 September 2008 - 05:13 PM

So as you can see, it one of those annoying ARs that takes more than just pulling out the 3 prong bit.
Posted Image

That's ok, because we are going to just pull everything out, as you can well see.
Posted Image


That is where i can't understand, how did you get to the ar's and how were they removed?

In Topic: Problem With My Airtech 3000

30 August 2008 - 12:31 PM

After you finally do get it to pressurize some air, does it slowly lose pressure?

No it doesn't lose pressure. How would i know if the O-Ring is good or not?