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Member Since 08 Apr 2003
Offline Last Active Jul 30 2011 04:16 PM

Topics I've Started


24 April 2003 - 09:29 PM

Last summer i got this crazy idea to replace the tubing on the SM 1500 that goes from the pump to the air tank. I forget if it was my idea, or i heard it on the forums, but that's beside the point. It requried a lot of super glue, epoxy, and some hose clamps, but i got the tubing on just fine. It's about 1/2" and some pretty heavy duty stuff at that (actually i think it was origonally that tubing you use to siphon out fish tanks.) Theoretically it should increase the size of the air tank, as more air is able to fit into the larger tube than the smaller one. I never did any range tests of before and afters, and i also didn't notice a significant change in distance. The increased size might be too small to make it a viable mod, but i was wondering if anyone else has ever tried this method?

Wind Waker Anyone?

20 April 2003 - 12:06 PM

I thought i'd start a post about Zelda, so we wouldn't get off topic in the Matrix Reloaded post. Any hoo, has anyone picked up the new Zelda Wind Waker game? i have had the pleasure to play it, yet for only a dissapointing 10 minutes. Even from those ten minutes the game looked awesome. I admit i was dissapointed when the i saw the first screen shots which were in the "cartoony" style, but after playing it, the graphics are awesome. The shadows, lighting, everything are top notch. And if the story line, and the rest of the game, are up to par with previous Zelda games, it should become another classic.

Here's what a reviewer gave it from gamezone.com:

"Overall: 9.9
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker is the most perfect game Nintendo has released since Super Mario 64 came out in 1996. It ranks among the very few elite, unforgettable titles, including the original Zelda, Grand Theft Auto III and Final Fantasy VII. Metroid Prime was a top-notch, near-perfect game, and The Wind Waker is even better! How can words describe a game like that? They can't – but the score can, and Zelda is the first game I have ever reviewed to be worthy of a 9.9. Cherish every moment of this masterpiece. History has proven that it is going to be a long time before we see another game this good."

sure convinced me to buy it when i get a chance!
Here's the rest of the review if you wanna take a look. [I]

Brass Or Pvc?

08 April 2003 - 10:38 PM

Hi, this is my first post here. I was somewhat involved in the nerfing community over at NerfOnline last summer, yet haven't touched my guns all of fall and winter. Last week my friends and i dug out our guns and had a blast, so naturally i'm back here, looking for the newest guns, etc. I've already picked up a AT2K and am in the process of modding it. But i was looking around the boards and saw that some people are using brass piping instead of the good ol' PVC. Is there a large advantge to using the brass as opposed to the PVC? i'm assuming that the brass is a bit more expensive than the PVC as well, is it worth the extra cost? Thanks for the advice, i'm looking forward to another good spring/summer full of nerf. Nerf On!