NOTE: This game does need a big place to play. All you guys from NJ should now about Eagle Rock Reservation and the forests around West Orange. This is the kind of place to play. If your from Vancouver, it would be cool to play up in Whistler by some of the trails by Lost Lake.
Hunters gets 3 players
Prey gets 2 players
Object: The object of the game for the Prey is to make to a designtated finish point in a designated amount of time. The objective of the Hunters is to shoot the prey with a nerf dart. The prey has to work as a team, and cannot split up. If one of the prey is hit, the hunters win.
Winning:For Prey-reaching the designated finish point without getting hit.
For Hunters-There are 2 ways the hunters can win:
1] killing one of the prey
2] the hunters win by defualt if the prey does not make it to the safe zone on time
Notes-BOTH teams get guns.
Depending on how you want the game to be played, the Hunters may use bikes. Give the prey a bigger
The prey may move off a trail, but can't go off in a compltetly differnt direction. You can even not be on a trail at all! [for saftey, bring walkie GPS or walkie talkies if one team gets lost.
Yeah, I know this isn't the best explanation, but don't look the gift horse in the mouth. [Your welcome! JEEZ]
Very nice idea, the hunt should be fun it a trail or wooded area.