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Team Genocide

Member Since 17 Jun 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 13 2009 06:17 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Everything You Should Never Do

13 February 2009 - 06:17 AM

Not everyone should have the right to bear arms.

Posted Image

Must sig!

On topic now, this is why I think the firearm license age should be increased.

In Topic: M1 Garrand

08 February 2009 - 04:48 PM

You cannot make an M1 Garand out of a magstrike. The magazine is totally different. The magstrike uses a foot long removable clip. The Garand uses an internal magazine, fed with strip clips that are a few inches long. The magstike is full automatic. The garand is semi auto. The garand (or just .30/06 guns in general) are accurate for several hundred meters. The magstrike is accurate for 50 feet at most.The M1 garand is wood. The magstike is colorful plastic. The magstrike is a toy. The M1 Garand is the gun that won WWII. Any other reasons?

I think he just means the internal air tank to make a NERF gun?

If thats the case I would back away from the idea of a magstrike and look towards using a SM or AT2/3k

In Topic: 2009 New Nerf Gun?

07 February 2009 - 12:29 PM

:blink: I literally crapped my pants when I saw this.

I swear if this comes out I'm totally buying it with like 8 drums mags if they make refills.

In Topic: Oh God Another Titan-like Gun?

10 January 2009 - 05:21 PM

You guys are fucking detectives.
It looks cool. But there are a ton of pos guns like this. none are banned cause they are all shit.
Team Genocide. Take a few moments to READ about a product before you post up a "pre-ban" speculation thread.

Yeah I was assuming it was going to be a pump like gun similar to the Titan which is why I was assuminga ban, so sorry about that.

In Topic: Big Bad Bows?

09 January 2009 - 10:59 PM

You know this actually reminds me of something...

You know the rapid fire 20 obviously, red and black with buzzbee micros. Well a few months ago I went to TRU to pick one up they were gone. A couple weeks later, they're back, N-Strike Style.

Now whether this is the same concept for the BBB I'm not sure but if it does get discontinued like forever I'll be wicked pissed because I was thinking of picking one up last week.*facepalm*